October 13 Town Board Minutes

To be approved at the next meeting

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
7:00 p.m. at the

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Roger Lindgren, James Kaseno, Andrew Sauter Sargent, Allen Hahn, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson. Jackie Eid was absent.

-Board Meeting Minutes- A. Hahn made a motion to approve the minutes and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous. Approved.
-Treasurer’s Report –A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Vote (2-2) Yes- A. Sauter Sargent & J. Kaseno. No- Allen Hahn and R. Lindgren.

Report to be reviewed.

Board Comments – None
Correspondence – Reviewed
Committee Reports – Reviewed

Public Comments
Linda Barnes – Adjacent land owner to Lost Creek property owned by town. She would like to be kept informed of the town’s activities pertaining to this area.
Judy Kerr – The Fire Dept. has raised over $12,000.00 from the Go Fund Me website and private donations.
Gordon Anderson- Would like to see more information on the town’s website about the dates of the town’s Open Book and Board of Review.

Old Business
1. Reassign town cell phone to CC Manager, Clerk Cell Phone – Supervisors also – public record issue.  M. Tillmans has ordered two SE IPhones free of charge from Verizon for her and the CC Manager, J. Kerr. M. Tillmans will inquire about getting more phones for the supervisors and treasurer.
2. Lost Creek Beach Update. A survey of the area has been completed. There are concerns of how to handle traffic and should there be a turnaround. This issue will go to the Planning Commission. Parks and Land will look at the park/beach/access. Discussion was held about putting together a task force to control speed.
3. Parking Ordinance re “Tag and Tow – No report
4. Fireworks Ordinance. The ordinance was updated. Discussion was held. J. Olson will work on wording about cleanup. The ordinance will be reviewed again next month.
5. Transient Vendor Ordinance. The Parks and Lands committee will be giving their comments and changes to the board.

New Business
1. Town of Bell: Class A Special Use – add fill around harbor shops. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. A. Hahn made a motion to recommend approval of the permit to the county and A. Sauter Sargent 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved.
2. Hammond: Class A Special Use – Keep the Forestry zoning designation and build. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. A. Hahn made a motion to recommend approval of the permit to the county and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
3. Hall: Class A Special Use Short Term Rental. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. A. Hahn made a motion to
recommend approval of the permit to the county and A. Sauter Sargent 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
4. Ben Peyer Class A special use – extension of Sunset Drive. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. A. Hahn made a motion to recommend approval of the permit to the county and A. Sauter Sargent 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved. A. Hahn made a motion to authorize the chair to execute an agreement between Tasty Plunder and the Town of Bell to adopt it as a town road.
A. Sauter Sargent 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
5. Nesseth Class A special use – driveway w/in 1000’ of Lake Superior. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to recommend approval of the permit to the county and A. Sauter Sargent 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
6. R2R-CARES FUNDS for EMS equipment. A letter was received from Jeff Byerhoff, director of the South Shore Area Ambulance. They would like to purchase an automated CPR machine that costs approximately $17,000.00. They are asking the South Shore towns to use their Recovery Grant funds towards the purchase. A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to submit any unused funds by the town from the Recovery Grant to the South Shore Area Ambulance. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Vote (3 Yes- 1 No): Yes – R. Lindgren, J. Kaseno and A. Sauter Sargent.
No – A. Hahn. Approved.
7. Broad Bank Application – maps attached. The Town of Bell can apply in cooperation with Norvado. There are two areas that would
like service. One is Voyager View and two properties off of Big Pine Tr. Other requests should go to R. Lindgren.
8. Decision to join Wisconsin Towns Assoc. Advisory Council – proposal attached. A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to join the Wisconsin Towns Assoc. Advisory Council and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
9. Emergency Preparedness Plan – Board Members consider committing to annual Incident Command training – Independent, online. R. Lindgren would like to amend the plan to include board members doing the annual Incident Command training. A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to recommend having Board member take the ISC 100 & 200 classes online and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
10. Emergency Order #3. The room capacity for the main room in the Community Center is 165. With the governor’s new order, the room is limited to a maximum capacity of 41.
11. Schedule for distribution of reviewed minutes and items of public interest. The minutes and correspondence are distributed via MailChimp to the public. Minutes should be reviewed by the board by the 4th Monday of the month so distribution can by made on the 4th Tuesday.
12. Set Snowplowing Rates. A. Hahn made a motion to continue with the same methodology of rates and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
13. Preparation for Budget Meeting – Set dates for budget workshops. The dates were set for Tuesday, Oct. 20th and Wednesday, Oct. 21st at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
14. Set Schedule to shred old documents – possible community shredding. M. Tillmans spoke with Bremer Bank about who they use for shredding. They use Confidential Records. She has contacted them for a quote. She will work with A. Hahn to coordinate a possible shredding event to be held at the Recycling Center.

Bills were paid. At 8:44 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and A. Sauter Sargent
2nd the motion. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk