August 4 Emergency Preparedness Meeting
Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting: August 4th, 2020 at the Cornucopia Community Center
Members present: Yvette Fleming, Roger Lindgren, Harry Kellogg and Owen Polifka
Old Business:
The Survey:
Owen and Yvette agreed to review the information that Kurt Nelson has compiled in order to condense it into a summary to share with our residents as discussed in our previous meeting. We totally appreciate Kurt’s efforts in painstakingly compiling all the information gleaned from the surveys.
Flip Charts:
Harry developed a rough draft of the flip chart including an attractive cover. A couple versions were reviewed by the committee and we decided to use the smaller format which we agreed was easier to interpret. Harry utilized “stick figure” representations which depict various activities of emergency situations such as staying low when evacuating an area with dense smoke present. His concept for the flip chart also emphasized the Rule of Threes as indicated in his flip chart draft. Roger suggested the use of either a magnet attachment to the chart or a string/hook method for quick reference should the need arise at the various households. Yvette will check with Hart Graphics of Ashland with regarding the cost and process of designing and reproducing around 200 copies of the flip chart. Owen suggested obtaining a bid from Idea Design of Iron River as well.
FEMA Emergency Pamphlets:
Harry will order the FEMA pamphlets (or brochures) that can be distributed to our residents by their respective Emergency Preparedness Resource Person (EPRP).
Community Center:
The Community Center will likely be designated as a safe refuge in the event of an emergency. There are a number of considerations that will need to be explored. Issues such as how to safely store water for 3 days, for instance. Another consideration is the potential use a generator and where to store gas to operate it as well as what type of housing would be appropriate for the generator.
Perhaps the Red Cross could provide advise to address these concerns as well as other logistical issues. Yvette suggested the possibility of having the Red Cross present an educational seminar to the board members on how to best prepare or equip the Community Center for these issues.
New Business:
Harry emphasized the need to began confirming the various regional EPRPs. The minutes to the June 4th EPC meeting identifies potential volunteers to serve as EPRPs, however, we need to complete this list.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 15th, 6:30 pm at the Community Center.
Respectfully submitted,