December 8 Board Meeting Minutes

To be approved at the next meeting

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
7:00 p.m. at the

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.  Board members present were Roger Lindgren,
James Kaseno, Andrew Sauter Sargent, Allen Hahn, Jackie Eid, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.

– Board Meeting Minutes- J. Eid made a motion to approve the minutes and J. Kaseno 2nd the
motion.  Unanimous. Approved.
– Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd
the motion.   Vote (3-1) Yes-R. Lindgren, A. Sauter Sargent & J.  Kaseno.  No- Allen Hahn.

Board Comments
– R. Lindgren reminded everyone that there is no parking on town roads until they are plowed.

Correspondence – Reviewed

Committee Reports  – Reviewed

Public Comments
– Anna Hipke-Krueger – She was wondering if there has ever been discussion of an outside lighting ordinance. She asked the board to review the International Dark-Sky Association information when it undertakes lighting projects and to consider passing such an ordinance in the future.

Old Business

1.  Update Parking Ordinance re “Tag and Tow” – is ordinance updated
There is no update. This was tabled to next month.
2.   Fireworks Ordinance – updated per Roger Branham comments – review
The ordinance was reviewed and will be approved next month.
3.  Transient Vendor Ordinance – updated per P&L and Greg Weiss comments
The updated ordinance will be reviewed by the Parks and Lands and Greg Weiss.
4.  ATV route – Klemik to Old 13 – update
We are working with DNR and DOT.  The wetland delineation has been completed.  It has been mapped. The mapping has been sent to the DOT for them to review and comment. The proposed access is on the north side of Hwy. 13 up to but not north of the power poles. At Old Hwy 13 ATV/UTVs would cross the highway and go into town on the town roads.

New Business
1.  HAP Grant Award
M. Tillmans read the letter received from the WisDOT for the Harbor Assistance Program Award for the Town of Bell Dockwall for $460,586. This award is for sheet steel piling along the west side of the river. They will award up to an additional $245,000, if the town doesn’t receive additional funding on the east side of the river. The town is awaiting the Federal funding meeting for the BIG grant that covers the 150’ on the east side of the river, north of the bridge. The RBF (state) grant is for approximately 50 feet north of the end of the 150’ of the BIG grant. It is for erosion control. The town has received this award.
2.  Outside Lamp Posts at Community Center – 3 extra light poles
One of the current light posts in front of the community center does not work. The town has three new light posts that were purchased a while back by Michael O’Bryon. The light posts are dark sky friendly. R. Lindgren will check into getting a LED conversion kit for the current front light posts. He will get a proposal to install the new lights where they were originally intended to be placed. He will also get a quote for solar lights.
3.  Set date for Caucus and discuss format
The date for the Caucus was set for Tuesday, January 12, 2021. The format of the Caucus will be setup to include people attending the meeting via Zoom or telephone. The format will be reviewed by the town’s attorney.

Bills were paid. At 8:32 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and J. Eid 2nd the motion.  Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk