7:00 PM Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Community Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Board members present were Roger Lindgren,
James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Jackie Eid, Andrew Sauter Sargent, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.
-Board Meeting Minutes-
Board Meeting -A. Hahn made a motion to approve the minutes and J. Kaseno 2nd the
motion. Unanimous. Approved.
-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd
the motion. Vote (4-1) Yes- R. Lindgren, J. Eid, Andrew Sauter Sargent & J. Kaseno.
No- Allen Hahn. Approved.
Board Comments
- Lindgren – He thanked the volunteers for all the work done around town.
- Hahn – Important to build alliances in the community to accomplish goals versus
having ordinances to do the same thing.
Correspondence-Covered in agenda
Committee Reports-Reviewed
- Reycling center – It is operating at capacity. To no longer accept waste from
commercial businesses, is being considered.
Public Comment Period – J. Kerr – Question about what is considered public waste.
Old Business
- BIG, RBF Award, HAP Grant Award – on hold Request for additional funds submitted for BIG/RBF – attached – HAP on hold
Additional funding of 82% was approved by the DNR for the RBF grant. The additional
funding request for the BIG has not yet been approved. The HAP is on hold.
- Greg Weiss request for special use permit. – Andrew
This item was removed from the agenda.
- Commercial use of Public Lands – update
- Hahn has started editing the Washburn ordinance for the commercial use
of public lands to use for the Town of Bell. It will be reviewed with the Planning
- Sidewalk Ordinance – purpose- uniform application/enforcement
The creation of the ordinance started with the stand in front of Ehlers blocking
the sidewalk and a parking space. Ehlers did move the tables and the taco stand was
taken down when they were done. With the ordinance and state statues a 60”
minimum width is required for a sidewalk. The ordinance did grandfather objects
that were in prior to the ordinance. New lines have been painted for the parking
and sidewalks. Uniform enforcing is necessary. Safety is important. Halvorsons
have picnic tables on the sidewalk. R. Lindgren will send a letter and/or talk to them.
The Planning Commission talked about the sidewalk ordinance and accessibility.
The enforcement section is missing from the ordinance. This will be part
of their next agenda.
- Parking at CC and boat launch
The community center parking was deferred and the boat launch parking was
deferred to the harbor commission.
- Status of crosswalk at STH 13 and potentially C and Superior Avenue
Randy Lund from Lund Engineering is working on this.
- Rumble Strips – STH13 – public comment – proposed resolution attached
Public comments were taken. R. Lindgren gave the history. A. Hahn made a motion
to pass a resolution with a 1000’ gap east of Old Highway 13 and a 800’ gap
between West Road & Tina Road. J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision.
Approved. This will be sent to the Wis. Dept of Transportation.
- Noise Ordinance – public comment – discussion
Discussion was held. Businesses need to be supported. Improvements have been
made. An ordinance will not be written.
- Dog Ordinance – order larger sign and post
This will be done by the Parks and Land committee.
- Follow-up – Coastal Resiliency Initiative – see attachment
Anyone who wants to learn more or participate in the Coastal Reslilency
Initiative can submit their form by August 27th.
- Siskiwit River Preserve – Orchard – possible improvement – attachment
The county has hired an arborist for the orchard. They have suggestions for
the orchard. The board agrees with their plan. They will continue the plan.
- CC rules re COVID variant(s)
The town will stay with the county suggested guidelines. Groups will be
allowed to require masks at their events. Signs at the community center
will strongly recommend masks.
New Business
- Swim Platform at Lake Siskiwit Campground
A permit is required by the county. The platform would be donated and installed
by volunteers. This will go to the Parks and Lands committee to be okayed.
The insurance will be verified.
- Scenic Byway – resolution of support – attached
Grant funds are available for improvements. The county has endorsed a proposal
for an improvement to the Cornucopia Waterfront. It would be a million dollar
project for a visitor center and museum. A. Hahn made a motion for a resolution
to support the proposal and J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
- County EMS Study Group Nominations
It is very difficult to provide services and to get volunteers. The county would like
to study the issue. They are looking for board members or EMS people to help.
- Hahn made a motion to nominate Jeff Byerhoff, the Cornucopia Fire Chief and
- Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. David Trudeau volunteered to
- Moreland: Class A Special Use Short Term Rental
The Planning Commission recommended to approve the recommendation to the
county. A. Sauter Sargent made a motion to recommend approval of the Short Term
Rental Permit and R. Lindgren 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
- Picnic liquor license for the Fire Dept. – Corny Day
- Kaseno made a motion to approve the Picnic Liquor License for the Fire Dept.
and J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
- Class B Beer and Class C Wine License at The Fish Shack (formally Good Earth Shop) Jody Maier and Joseph Jurgensmeier
The Harbor Commission recommended approval of the licenses with the restriction
of no liquor sales after 9:00 p.m.. This coincides with their quiet hours after 9:00p.m.
It will help control noise from the waterfront for boaters, neighbors and other
- Hahn made a motion to approve the Class B beer and Class C wine for The Fish
Shack (formally Good Earth Shop) Jody Maier and Joseph Jurgensmeier, with the
restriction of no liquor sales after 9 p.m.. J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision.
- 2021 Open Book and Board of Review Dates
The dates for the Open Book is Monday, August 30th, 10a.m.- 12p.m.. The Board
of Review is Monday, Sept. 13th, 9a.m. – 11 a.m..
- Potential addition of Public Boat Launch Signs on STH 13
This is being deferred to the Harbor Commission
- Develop list of 2022 projects for September meeting
List of items was provided. Pit toilets is a possible item. Discussion will continue
next month.
- Town Board Roads “Ride Around”
The date was set for Friday, Sept. 10th at 7:00 a.m.
- Increased Help in summer months
This item was tabled to next month.
- Enforcement of Ordinances
This item was tabled to next month.
Bills were paid. At 9:53 p.m., J. Eid made a motion to adjourn the meeting and A. Hahn 2nd the motion. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk