Town of Bell Parks and Lands January 7th Minutes
Town of Bell Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes January 7, 2022 9:30 am Cornucopia Community Center
Committee Members Present: Andrew Sauter Sargent, Gordon Anderson, Doug Becker, Judy Becker
Community Present: Judy Kerr, Greg Weiss
Andrew called the meeting to order at 9:35 am. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Doug, seconded by Gordo, and passed.
- Lost Creek Road Usage Plan
- Doug reported on his meeting with residents along Lost Creek Road. The recent survey of the parcel, documents submitted by Nancy Moye and Greg Weiss concerning the parcel and beach access, and family stories about the original intent of the transfer of the parcel to the Town were reviewed. Much discussion.
- Committee proposes the following Plan for the parcel:
- Keep it as a Town water access. Sale of this parcel is not recommended.
- Maintenance as an emergency water access should be pursued as needed.
- Due to fluctuating Lake levels, no Turn Around Area or parking lot are recommended at this time.
- Sustain natural foliage to prevent erosion.
- Andrew will contact the Wisconsin Towns Attorney about the legalities of an adjacent resident’s removal of foliage to create a view of the lake and a pathway to the beach area.
- Improve signage for public parking areas and Emergency Access parking areas.
- Siskiwit Lake Campground
- Report of other local campground fees and amenities, submitted by Gina Emily, were reviewed. Doug made a motion, seconded by Gordo, to:
- Increase the tent daily use fee from $15 to $20.
- Increase the daily use fee for hard-sided camper trailers from $15 to $30.
- Report of other local campground fees and amenities, submitted by Gina Emily, were reviewed. Doug made a motion, seconded by Gordo, to:
- After several amendments, limit hard-sided campers to 26 ft. or less.
- Motion passed. Further discussion ensued about adding RV/Trailer sites between the road and Sites 5-10 this spring. Tabled until April meeting. Campground Ordinance will need to be reviewed and revised in spring.
- Vault Toilet
- Gordo will make inquiries at local lumber yard for project plans, to be submitted to the County for necessary permits.
- Watercraft signs
- Much discussion about allowing personal watercraft launching from the Campground, erosion control measures along the stairs to the beach. Deferred until the spring to observe conditions.
- Siskiwit Lake Launch
- Greg’s suggestions to improve the Town Boat Launch for kayak and canoe use were discussed. Toilets and a better beach area would help.
- Parks and Land Ordinance Review
- Ordinance was reviewed and discussed.
- Members should check their records and previous minutes to determine the start date of their current terms. A schedule of current committee member terms will be created at the February meeting.
- Other
- Greg will submit a plan for a 2022 Sea Kayak event at the February meeting.
- Supervisor Allan Hahn will be invited to the next meeting to discuss ideas for Town forest harvesting as income for this committee.
Next meeting will be on Friday, February 4, 2022 at 9:30 am at the Community Center. Doug will Chair as Andrew is unavailable.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:14 after a motion was made by Doug, seconded by Gordo and passed.
Submitted by Secretary, Judy Becker, on Saturday, January 8, 2022.