Minutes – Special Town Meeting – National Visitor Center-Aug. 30, 2022
Town of Bell
Special Town Meeting
of the Electors
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
7:00 p.m. at the Town of Bell
Town of Bell National Scenic Byway Center
A Special Town Meeting of the electors on the proposed National Scenic Byway Visitor Center to be located in town and be constructed by the Town of Bell was
At 7:26p.m, Roger Lindgren called the meeting to order.
- Town of Bell – National Scenic Byway Visitor Center
Information and plans were available. A presentation was done by
- Lindgren.
Phil Moye made a motion that the Town of Bell construct the Scenic Byway
Visitor Center near Wisconsin Highway 13 in the Town of Bell. Allan Hahn
2nd the motion. Discussion was held. A vote was taken. Vote: Yes: 41, No: 89.
Motion failed. Not approved.
At 8:27p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and P. Ehlers 2nd
the motion. Unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk