Minutes – Town of Board Meeting – Tues., Oct. 11, 2022
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
at the Community Center
7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Roger Lindgren, James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson. The meeting was available with Zoom.
-Board Meeting Minutes-
- Eid made a motion to approve the minutes and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved.
-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd
the motion. A. Hahn abstained. (Vote: 4-0). Approved.
Board Comments
- Lindgren – He will be attending the Wis. Towns Assoc. training and will provided materials
to the board.
Correspondence– – Reviewed
Committee Reports-Reviewed
Sanitary District – They are proceeding with the lagoon expansion project to be completed in
- A delineation survey is being done. A budget meeting was held. There will be
a 5% increase to user fees and the cost to pumper trucks will be increased too.
Public Comment Period
Phil Moye – Provided information from housing survey. There will be a meetings of
the Short Term Rental committee on Oct. 19th & Nov. 2nd at 7:00pm at the Community
Bruce Ehlers – Question on Internet programs in the area..
Old Business
- Senior and Workforce Housing needs. Public Housing Authority Presentation – follow-up
Jason Maloney from Bayfield County Housing Authority and Richard Avol from Washburn Housing Authority spoke about Public Housing and answered questions.
The town will be sending out a letter/survey about public housing in the Town of Bell,
to voters.
New Business
- Consider Petition regarding EMS as an essential service – November
This was tabled until November.
- Review of next year’s budget
The Public Hearing and Special Town Meeting to review and approve the
the budget is set for Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. It will be followed by the regular
town board meeting.
- ATV Route Survey
The Bayfield Co. Highway Committee is looking to open up County Highway C
to ATVs. They are asking for Town Board recommendations. The Bell Planning
Commission recommended that the town should work with the county to open
Hwy C from Siskiwit Lake Rd/Rocky Rd to the town on a trial basis. J. Eid made
a motion that the town should work with the county to open Hwy C from Siskiwit
Lake Rd/Rocky Rd to town upto the Fat Radish on a trial basis. G. Anderson 2nd the
Discussion was held. Vote(3-1)Yes -J. Eid, G. Anderson, J. Kaseno. No- A. Hahn.
- Lindgren abstained. Motion approved.
- Appoint Harbor Commissioner
- Lindgren recommended to appoint Chuck Perry to fulfill the remainder of Nick
Colberg’s term, which ends in April. G. Anderson made a motion approve C. Perry
as a harbor commissioner and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision.
- Perry was sworn in.
- Paul Rengel Class A Special Use
- Eid made motion to approve the Class A Special Use permit for clearing trees
to build a driveway. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Discussion was held.
Vote (4-1) Yes: R. Lindgen, J. Eid, G. Anderson, J. Kaseno. No – A. Hahn.
Motion approved.
- Consider Resolution to Adopt North Stone Road and re-adopt a .7 mile extension.
- Hahn made a motion to adopt North Stone Road and re-adopt a .7 mile
extension. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Motion approved.
- Consider Resolution to adopt a 3 mile long road off of South Stone and name Harold Maki Road
- Hahn made a motion to adopt a 3 mile long road off of South Stone and name
Harold Maki Road. G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Motion
- Set snowplow rates
- Kaseno made a motion to increase the snowplowing rate by 6%. J. Eid 2nd the
motion. Unanimous decision. Motion approved.
- Consider Town Crew doing work on SawGrass roads.
- Eid made a motion to allow road crew to perform work on Saw Grass Roads
at an hourly rate. G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Discussion was held.
Vote: (Yes-0, No-5). Motion Failed.
- Consider RFQ for Handi-Hitch Profile Packer
The RFQ will be posted.
- Closed Session review compensation schedules and consider coordination of town employees.
At 9:06 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk