Harbor Commission Minutes May 2023

Town Of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting Monday May 1, 2023

Call To Order – The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:14 pm. Members present were Chuck Perry, Will Tillmans, Pauline Colamatteo, Doug Becker, Jessica Resac, Matt Lazorik, Dave Tillmans. Others present were Michael Thorson , Nancy Thorson, Marybeth Tillmans, and Gordy.
Mary Beth Sworn in Chuck Perry as the Chairman of the Harbor Commission. She also sworn in Dave Tillmans and Matt Lazorik as Harbor Commission Commissioners.

Minutes – Pauline made a motion to accept the minutes Doug 2nd it passed unanimously.

Conflict Of Interest – None

Citizen Comments – None

Public Hearing – None


A. Harbor Dredge Committee – Dave gave an update on the harbor dredging. A team

has been made with people from Duluth and Detroit to head the Dredging. The first step is happening on Wednesday Or Thursday they will be coming to do a survey. The Core project does not include dredging the river. The person in charge of coordinating the dredging from Detroit has requested to do advanced maintenance. That is digging deeper than the project depth and wider. They are going to ask for four more feet making it 14’ deep in the entry way and 12’ deep in the east and west slip. This needs approval first. The testing and analysis is going to take the summer. The goal is to have the dredging scheduled for spring of 2024. Whatever dredging is not suitable to be dumped on the north east beach will be trucked out. They will talk with the town of Cornucopia to find a place for the dredging to go. The funds will cover the hauling of the dredging. Last June the river was dredged out it was 7-8’ deep. Now it is measuring at 2’ deep. Dave asked if the Commission wants to dredge the river. Dave stated that he will orchestrate the dredging like he did last year. Will asked if there was any FEMA funding that we could receive to pay for it. Matt stated that there is not an emergency to cause for FEMA funding. Dave stated that Marybeth found one on April 20th, a WI DOT Damage Aide DDA Dave thinks that we can apply for funding through that. Matt is going to look into it. Matt suggested that there needs to be a plan in place for how to dredge the river. The survey will happen this week and there will be a special Harbor Commission meeting held to analyze the findings from the survey to decide how to go about the dredging of the river. Pauline made a motion to make a plan for the dredging Matt 2nd the motion for the plan. She added to her motion to approve funding. Matt withdrew his second. Pauline receded her motion. Pauline made a motion to call a special meeting after the survey results are in, in two weeks to determine the dredging needs for the river and to make a plan. Matt suggested to have to meeting as soon as the results come in. Pauline amended her motion to have the meeting as soon as the results of the survey comes in. Passed unanimously.

B. Green Shed Committee -Pauline gave the update on the Green Shed. They have analyzed the Green Shed, and have come up with a plan to fix it. Work has began on it. They are putting in an application for a grant to help with the project.

C. Marina Docks and Grounds – Jennifer Sauter-Sargent has been made Chairman of the Committee. Nothing new to report.

D. Sheet Pile Project – Matt stated that the request for proposal does not need to be published in the paper. We can receive three proposals from anyone that we select,
without having to publish it. Matt is going to talk to Roger about that.

E. Shop Lease Policy Statement – Roger sent in suggestions to add to the policy. Pauline made a motion to accept the Harbor Shop Lease Policy as published Doug 2nd

passed unanimously 7. Old Business

A. Harbor Map – Was approved and submitted

B. Ten Year Plan – Michael presented the cost of replacing posts along the wall by the shops, they will be $120 per post. Jessica made a motion to replace the posts that need to be replaced Matt 2nd passed unanimously

C. Breakwater Access – Chuck, Doug and Michael are going to meet to talk about the details about where to put the crushed gravel.

D. Norvado – Roger is dealing with the WIFI and he is not present. Tabled till next meeting.

E. Secretary/Treasurer Job Description Revised – Nancy will write up the procedure on how the secretary handles taking in money and turn it into the town.

8. New Business

A. Election Of Officers – Will nominated Chuck to be Chairman of the Harbor Commission. Dave Tillmans nominated himself to be Vice-Chair Pauline made motion to elect Chuck as Chairman and Dave as Vice-Chair Doug 2nd. Passed. Jessica was opposed.

B. EV Charging Station – Gordy Presented the Harbor Commission with a proposal brought to him from Bill Bailey. He presented two grant opportunities one from the US Department of Transportation Charging and Fueling Infrastructure grant from the DOT and US Department of Energy Improvements in Rural Remote Areas Grant. 11 sites have been identified Cornucopia is one of those locations. The best location they found is in the marina. The grant would pay for 80% X-Cel Energies would cover the other 20%. The application is due May 30th 2023. This mainly would be for tourists to stop and charge their vehicles. X-Cell would service it for five years after that the town would have to deal with servicing it. This would be contracted by the town of Bell. The Commission has to approve whereabouts of the installation of the EV Charging spots if it moves forward.

C. Financial Statement- Matt made a motion to approve the financial statement as presented Jessica 2nd passed unanimously

9. Communications – none
10. Adjournment – Chuck called the meeting to adjourn at 9:07p.m.

Respectfully Submitted Nancy Thorson – Secretary