August 18 Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes

Town of Bell
Special Planning Commission Meeting
August 18, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Town of Bell Community Center


Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Jackie Eid

Commissioners present: Gordon Anderson, Mark Ehlers, Jackie Eid

Members of the public: Roger Lindgren, Nancy Moye, Allen Hahn, Matt Hipsher, Sara Norton


Sidewalk Ordinance:

Roger Lindgren worked on a draft for the proposed ordinance. He also spoke with Linda Coleman, the Town’s attorney. She prefers a permitting process for the repairing, replacement, or construction of a sidewalk. Information as to construction specs were obtained from Bayfield.

Sara Norton said they were looking at a wood deck as they want the building to look more historic. A meeting with North Country Independent Living is scheduled to look at the front of Ehlers Store for ADA compliancy. The Planning Commission will invite John Nedden-Durst to the Sept. 1, 2020 Planning Commission meeting.

There was conversation on all aspects of construction.

The definition of sidewalk was looked up.

Sidewalk: That portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians.

There was discussion on minimum and maximum widths. It was decided to edit Section IV – Standards

  • to read, Minimum width of sidewalk and associated structures shall be 72” (6’). Any thing wider needs to have approval from the Town Board.
  • General

All sidewalk surfaces shall be of concrete, asphalt, wood, or other material approved by the Town Board.


WI DOT Standard Specifications were talked about. These standards would give applicants what the expectations are. It was agreed to add this information to the draft.

Question was asked if with this ordinance a sidewalk would be measured from the centerline of the road or from the edge of the R.O.W. Answer was from the edge of the R.O.W.

Mark Ehlers made a motion to accept Ordinance XXXXXX with changes to the Standards as discussed. Second Jackie Eid, unanimous


Motion to adjourn at 8:37 Gordon Anderson, second Jackie Eid. Unanimous.