August 4 Planning Commission Minutes
Town of Bell
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Tuesday August 4, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Town of Bell Community Center
Commission members present: Jackie Eid, Mark Ehlers, Gordy Anderson, Nancy Moye, Greg Weiss
Call to order 7:07pm by Jackie
Community members present: Sarah Norton
- Review/Approve previous meeting minutes.
Mark made motion to approve, Gordy 2nds. No objections all approved.
- Correspondence/Updates
- Austin Class A Special Use
F1 & R1 district. Town recommends more restrictive of the two districts.
Gordy made motion to approve class a special use permit as long it follows more restrictive setback requirements. Second by Mark. Unanimous.
- Sidewalks: Statutes and policies
Discussion regarding width of right of way and pros and cons to Town retaining the current 80’ which was determined by the history of being the old highway. 66’ is the minimum.
Mark made motion for town to research ownership vs. easement of current right of way, and if the Town does own it for the Town to lease it to property owners. Greg 2nds. Jackie abstained, others in favor.
- September meeting date will be Tuesday September 1st, 7pm.
Motion to adjourn made by Gordy, 2nd by Mark at 8:28pm