Damage to Roadside Mailboxes

Town of Bell
Bayfield County, Wisconsin

WHEREAS, The placement of safe and accessible mailboxes on Town of Bell right-of-ways is governed by United States Postal Service and this ordinance;
WHEREAS, The Town Board declares the necessity of establishing policies governing the placement of posts and mailboxes;
WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Bell, Bayfield County, Wisconsin finds that on occasion,
damage may be done to roadside mailboxes during snow removal and other highway maintenance operations;
NOW, THEREFORE, The Town Board of the Town of Bell, Bayfield County. Wisconsin, pursuant to its authority under Section 345.05, 82 and 60, Wis. Stat., in order to promote public safety and welfare, do ordain as follows:

1. It is recommended that prior to installing a post and mailbox, consult with the Town crew for assistance in placement.
2. Swing arm type posts are strongly encouraged.
3. Posts should not be in the bottom of the ditch line, or impede water flow.
4. Mailbox should be set back from the edge of road surface no less than 8-12 inches, and curbs 6-8 inches.
5. If any mailbox is deemed unsafe or restricts the water carrying capacity of the ditch, the owner will be notified in writing. The owner shall have 15 days to comply with the USPS and Town of Bell requirements for the placement of mailboxes.
6. The Town of Bell and its employees are not responsible for damages to mailboxes that do not meet the
requirements of the Town’s ordinance including damages done to mailboxes during highway maintenance operations or by snow that is discharged during snow removal operations.
7. In the event a mailbox or post is damaged by direct contact with Town of Bell maintenance equipment, the Town of Bell will reimburse the property owner no more than the sum of $60 for a post, and $40 for a mailbox. The property owner must file a mailbox damage report within 30 days of the incident before reimbursement is made. (Attached)
8. Non-resident property/absentee owners may make application within 30 days of returning to their property.

Ray Kiewit

Attest: MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk

Yvette Fleming-Supervisor

Town of Bell

Request for Reimbursement for Mailbox Damages

It is the Town of Bell’s policy to reimburse property owners up to $60 for a post and $40 for a mailbox that has been damaged only by the direct contact of Town of Bell maintenance equipment. No reimbursement will be made when damage occurs from snow discharged by plowing equipment. Each claim will be evaluated individually. This form must be presented to the Town of Bell within 30 days of an incident. (Non-resident/absentee property owners may make application within 30 days of returning to their property.)

Owner: _ Date of Application, _ Mail Address: _ Fire# _ Phone:. _

Date of Incident _ Details of incident:

Received by________________________ Disposition for Official Use Only

Investigated by Date: _

Payment authorized by: ———-Date:. _

Date Paid Check # Amount _


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