December 10 Emergency Preparedness Meeting

Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting: December 10th, 2020 via Zoom

Members present: Yvette Fleming, Harry Kellogg, Roger Lindgren, Marie Versen, Jan Victorson, and Owen Polifka

Old Business:

FEMA Pamphlets:

Yvette reviewed the various pamphlets or brochures available from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to be distributed to our residents by their respective Emergency Preparedness Resource Person (EPRP). They include such topics as suggested items to be included in an evacuation “to go bag” as well as specific advisory information for seniors amongst others.

Table Top Exercise:

The table top Zoom exercise that was scheduled for December 7th has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 17th, at 6:30 pm due to a scheduling conflict. The purpose of this zoom exercise is to discuss elements of the FEMA ICS-100 course. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the ICS (Incident Command System) within the National Incident Management System (NIMA). Roger and Owen made the point that the initial table top discussion be comprised exclusively of our committee with Jan Victorson leading the discussion. That would be to our benefit in properly planning and preparing for a subsequent exercise to be scheduled later. The later table top discussion would then include our committee, the town’s board members, the EPRPs and the fire department chief. As well as the committee agreeing that point, Yvette and Harry indicated that, in addition to the FEMA ICS (Incident Command System) course, it would be prudent to view the FEMA CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) course as well. They also explained that the FEMA CERT course would a beneficial tool to be included in the EPRP training which will occur, hopefully in the Spring of 2021, if the pandemic has been brought under control.

Emergency Shelter:

Yvette and Roger met with Luong Huynh of the Wisconsin Red Cross as suggested by Jan to discuss how the Community Center could be utilized as an emergency safe shelter. The two will convene via zoom on Saturday morning, December 12th at 9 am, to review various aspects of the center and how it compares to the Red Cross Facility Survey.  They were also informed by Mr. Huynh of a mobil emergency shelter that is maintained in Ashland. This mobil RV trailer has a capacity of 50 beds and could be a valuable asset in the event of a disaster. However, if the disaster event is extensive in Bayfield and Ashland counties, its availability could be as issue. This mobil unit does have potential value if the disaster event is more localized to our community, especially in light of the fact that our Community Center does not possess any long-term living features such as beds. Yvette and Roger will complete the Red Cross survey and forward it to Mr. Huynh of the Red Cross on Saturday morning.


Now that all of our EPRP positions have been filled, it was pointed out that we need to formulate an appropriate curriculum for EPRP training purposes. Harry and Yvette agreed to meet at the Community Center on Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 at 2 pm, to formulate the EPRP curriculum as well as providing a corresponding course outline for a future training session. We agreed that such a training session include providing the appropriate FEMA pamphlets as well as suggestions on how to proceed with connecting with their respective residents. The EPRPs will also receive copies of the revised FEMA reference guides (flip charts) and the survey summary as well.

FEMA Organizational Chart:

We reiterated the fact that our version of the FEMA organizational chart needs to be populated. It was pointed out that the positions of our chart do not necessarily need to be filled by board members of our town. Jan pointed out that these positions need to be filled by volunteer candidates who have been sufficiently educated regarding the responsibilities of that position. Harry volunteered to provide job descriptions for the various chart appointments.

New Business:

Future Agendas:

Roger pointed out that in accordance with the state’s Open Meeting Law, our future agendas should be posted (at our post office), included on the town’s website, and provided to the local newspaper (The Connection).

Next EPC Meeting:

Thursday, January 14th, 2021, at 6:30pm via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
