Harbor Commission Minutes 1/9/2023
Town Of Bell Harbor Commission Meeting
Monday, January 9, 2023
1. The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:04 p.m.. Members present were Chuck Perry, Pauline Colamatteo, Jessica Resac, Doug Becker. Others present were Mike Thorson, Nancy Thorson, Marybeth Tillmans, and Dave Tillmans. Members not present were Will Tillmans, Jennifer Sauter-Sargent
2. Minutes – A motion was made by Doug Becker to approve the minutes from the last meeting on December 12, 2022 and Pauline Colamatteo 2nd the motion. It was approved.
3. Conflict Of Interest – None
4. Citizen Comments – None
5. Public Hearing – None
6. Reports
A. Harbor Dredge Committee – Dave Tillmans spoke about the Dredging, that no news is good news. We are waiting for congress to finish up the budget, so they can pass out the funds to different harbors. We should know by February or March if we will receive the funds. He spoke about us being a shallow draft harbor and there are over 100 harbors in the great lakes. He is hoping that we can become a standard harbor that the core will dredge on a regular basis.
Dave asked if the dredging Committee can be rolled into the Sheet Piling Project Chuck approved. Dave said that there has been a significant change from the fall to now regarding the Sheet Piling Project Bid Proposal Map. Dave presented a map of the basin that he received from Roger Lindgren in October. He then presented a new map with a request for bid. The concern is that the new map shows placement of the wall east of the old location at the observed high-water mark. Doug stated that the Harbor Commission should reach out to the DNR to come out and determine where the correct placement for the wall should be. After we know where the location should be we will be able to tell the contractor where to build the wall. The contractor will be responsible for getting any permits that will be needed for the job.
Nancy and Marybeth received an email from Roger asking for the request for bid to be placed in the paper. MaryBeth went ahead and placed it the Ashland Press to be out on Tuesday January 10, 2022. On January 10 MaryBeth and Nancy received another email from Roger with a revised bid and was asked to place that in the paper. That will have to be put in the next edition of the paper since it was too late to revise the one that was put in.
There are questions the Harbor Commission have for Roger Lindgren about the wording and the changes that were made on the two different request for bid. Pauline is going to talk to Roger about the questions and have Roger send out a email with the answers to the questions.
Chuck is going to ask Roger Lindgren if this is a town project or harbor commission project.
B. Green Shed Committee – The mold reports came back, and.there is mold growing in the Green Shed. Chuck is going to reach out to Mark Ehlers to have him at the next meeting to discuss the project. Chuck is going to put Mark on the agenda for next month
C. Shop Lease Policy Statement – will talk next meeting
7. Old Business
A. Harbor Map – Will Tillmans has final copy of the map. It needs to be turned into the town for approval.
B. Ten Year Plan- WIFI is part of the ten year plan. Parking lines in the boat launch site have been requested. Commission needs to work on a list ideas.
C. Breakwater Access – Nothing has changed with the plans. The plan is to have the path put in in the spring.
D. Sheet-pile Project – refer to 6.A. The Harbor Dredge Committee
E. Norvado – WIFI – Chuck is going to do some research on the cost of renting Norvado equipment or the marine purchasing their own. He is also going to check if Bayfield Wireless may be an option. Viable placement options will be deferred till spring.
8. New Business
A. Marina Docks and Grounds Committee- Chuck wants to establish a Marina Docks and Grounds Committee to direct the work and maintenance of the Marina. Chucked tabled establishing a Marina Docks and Grounds Committee until the next meeting.
B. Financial Statement- Chuck received an email from Manzanita stating that Andrew will be paying the shop lease for Comes About.
Marybeth gave a report on the Financial statement- A few checks were written out for wages and the Fish Shed payment was recorded. One adjustment on sales tax, it was put in and it had to be removed. There have been deposits received for slips and they will be put in next month.
Next Meeting Chuck will have a revised Secretary duties to go over.
9. Communications – There were no communications.
10. Adjournment – Doug made a motion to close the meeting Jessica second it Meeting closed at 9:00PM
Respectfully Submitted
Nancy Thorson – Secretary