Harbor Commission Minutes February 6, 2023

Town Of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting Monday, February 6, 2023

1. Call To Order – The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:02 p.m.. Members present were Chuck Perry, Pauline Colamatteo, Doug Becker, Jennifer Sauter-Sargent, Jessica Resac, Roger Lindgren. Will Tillmans appeared by Zoom. Others present were Mike Thorson, Nancy Thorson. Appearing by Zoom were Marybeth Tillmans and Dave Tillmans.

2. Minutes – Chuck made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Doug approved the previous months minutes. Dave Tillmans had a couple questions on the minutes. He asked to be put on the list of people who receive the minutes for approval. Chuck agreed that he should be on the list so that he is able to verify that what he says during the meetings is being accurately written. He also had concern that will did not receive the 5 day time period that Harbor Commissioners are allowed to review the minutes before publication. Nancy stated that she forgot to email them to Will the first time they were sent out but the second time he was included in the email. Dave also had concern that what he stated at the last meeting wasn’t written right so he wanted to clarify two parts of the minutes from the last meeting. Jennifer read out loud for everyone to hear what he was clarifying and that it will be added to the minutes when they are published. Doug asked if he could amend his approval of the minutes to add Daves comments as an addendum. Chuck approved and Jennifer seconded it. Passed unanimously

3. Conflict Of Interest – None
4. Citizen Comments – None
5. Public Hearing – None
6. Reports

A. Harbor Dredge Committee – Nothing has changed at this time.
B. Green Shed Committee – Pauline was made Chair of the Green Shed Committee
C. Shop Lease Policy Statement – Nothing new. Jennifer asked the commission to reach out to her with any feed back on what they would like in the shop lease policy.

7. Old Business
A. Harbor Map – Will Tillmans reported that he will email the finished map to all the Commissioners. Roger will put it on the town agenda to have the town board approve it.

B. Ten Year Plan- Chuck tabled the Ten Year Plan for next meeting.

C. Breakwater Access – Nothing can be done till spring, so Chuck tabled it till March meeting.

D. Sheet-pile Project – Roger asked if the revised bid is approved to be published. Roger has received two calls, one was from a builder asking if there can be a stipend for an engineer. The other call was to inquire about the coating of the sheet piling. Roger stated that he knows one of the Grantors requires a special coating on the sheet piling. Roger then stated that if our sheet piling that is in the Town Of Bell’s marina was in Duluth that it would be full of holes. He states that our water is different and he thinks that the coating is not necessary due to the kind of water we have. He states that as the bids come in if they are too expensive we can say to the Grantors that “if you want to relax the coating requirement here would be the price”. The revised bid was reviewed. Jennifer made a motion to approve of the changes made to the bid. Pauline second. Chuck asked if there was any discussion there was none. The Motion passed unanimously. Roger is going to email the Bid to anyone who has expressed interest instead of putting it in the paper for a second time. The bids are due on February 15, Roger asked if the due date can be moved so there is more time for bids to come in. Chuck told him to move it to whatever works best.

E. Norvado – Chuck has not had any new communications with Norvado he is waiting for the spring so they can come and see the marina and present us with the
cost of WIFI. There may be an option for the marina to purchase its own Wifi equipment. Jennifer stated that the only shops that have internet is the Fish Shed and Halvorson. She is interested that if the marina gets WIFI for the Boaters, if the shops can be included. Jessica suggested that the shop owners would have to pay for it because the two shops already have internet that they are paying for. There was also discussion about how strong the WIFI will be and if it would be password protected and not public. Chuck stated that it would be password protected. Roger is going to ask Norvado where the hub is for the existing Wifi that is at the Fish Shed and Halvorson. Roger will pursue if there can be a way for the shops to have their own address/Wifi Hub and then the marina will get one for the boaters.

8. New Business

A. Mark Ehlers – Green Shed Mold – Pauline gave the report on the mold. The museum paid for Serve-Pro to come in and do testing. The results are back and
there is mold present but not black mold. More hazardous molds will grow if it’s not dealt with. It is worst in the bump out and in the back storage room. There are different options to handle it. She asked Mike Thorson if he would be willing to go in and take a look to see if he can take the bump-out off and replace it or do one of the other remedies to take control of the mold situation. He agreed to go and take a look at what can be done. Anne Marie Coy from Bayfield County rcommends different ways to take care of it, such as taking out the wall and replacing it, putting plastic up to block off the backroom or clean where the visual mold is. The Green Shed Museum wants to open in June.

B. Secretary Job Description Revised – Jessica stated that the secretary should have every job on the current secretary duties list. She then stated that the secretary should be the person sending out the leases, not MaryBeth. Jessica stated that the secretary should also be the person checking the mailbox, not Janice. She also stated that the Harbor Master should be the one checking the Marina cash box. That way there is only one person doing the job, not three people in addition to saving moneybag not paying two other people. also that would save money. Roger suggested that we do an audit on the marina commission. There was discussion about whether the Harbor Commission needs to have their own treasurer or not. Pauline stated that the secretary jobs should all be clerical. Chuck stated that we need further action on this. We need to get the secretary job duties written and qualified so that they can be approved. We need to further review the treasurer responsibilities and who will handle them. Chuck would like to utilize the town as the treasurer. Whether we need to pay for that we need to ask the town board. Jessica is going to amend the secretary duties and then send them to the Harbor Commission to look at and send suggestions.

C. Marina Docks and Grounds Committee – Doug would like to work with Parks and Land to remodel the bathrooms and add showers at the marina. Doug stated that Parks and Land has funds put aside that they are willing to use towards the bathroom. It will be discussed further at the next meeting.

B. Financial Statement- Marybeth gave her report of the financial statement. Marybeth stated that it was for the borings. Jessica made a motion to approve the financial statement, Pauline second it. Motion passed.

9. Communications – none
10. Adjournment – Doug made a motion to adjourn and Jessica second at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted Nancy Thorson – Secretary