Harbor Commission Minutes Monday, July 10, 2023
Town Of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting
Monday,July 10, 2023
1. Call To Order – The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:01 pm. Members
present were Chuck Perry, Matt Lazorik, Will Tillmans, Pauline Colamatteo, Doug Becker,
Jessica Resac, Dave Tillmans. Others present were Harbor Master Michael Thorson, Harbor
Secretary Nancy Thorson, Roger Lindgren, Randy Lund, and Paul Ehlers.
2. Minutes – Pauline made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 5th meeting. Doug 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Conflict Of Interest – None
4. Citizen Comments – None
5. Public Hearing – None
6. Reports
A. Harbor Dredge Committee – Dave reported. He presented a bill from Stack Bros for the Longreach Excavator for $7840.00. Nancy presented bills that she received for the dredging project. Trusty Trucking bill was $9939.00, Town employees were for $99.77 and $646.58. Dave (Siskiwit Bay Marina) paid the excavator operator $2000.00 for 43 hours of running the machine. Chuck asked Nancy to make a report of the total cost of the Dredging.
The Corp is doing sampling on the sizing of the dredging that they will dig out to see if it can be disposed of on the east beach just over the wall. They are working on finding places for it to go if the size does not match what’s on the beach. They are sampling the east and west arms of the marina.
B. Green Shed Committee – Pauline reported. The crew hasn’t been able to work on anything due to rain. Mark Lutz met with Doug Belanger, who will give an estimate for drain tile work. They did talk about gutters, but it has to be approved because it will change the look of the building. The plan is to do the drain tile when the Fish Shed gets their grinder pump put in.
When they get the estimate back from Belanger they will know more about how to proceed.
Chuck asked Matt to talk with Doug to make sure that the drain tile does not impact the marina. Paul Ehlers spoke about exploring grants to help fix up the Green Shed. He is going to give report tomorrow at the town meeting.
C. Marina Docks and Grounds – Nancy read an email that was received from Jennifer Sauter Sargent. It was in regards to having the Harbor Commission purchase Dog Silhouettes and Umbrellas. There was discussion on the matter and the Commission decided that the Silhouettes do not work and that there is shade available at the pavilion attached to the Green Shed. They did not approve the purchase of those items.
D. Sheet-pile Project – Three proposals were received. Pauline made a motion to have a special meeting to open the proposals within a week. Matt 2nd. Pauline made an amendment to the motion to attach the time and date to meet on Thursday July 13 at 7pm to open the proposals. Matt 2nd. Passed unanimously. Roger is going to apply for extensions on the grants.
7. Old Business
A. Ten Year Plan – Michael reported that Halvorson’s would like to replace the wood dock with concrete. Chuck thinks it would be a great idea. Chuck is going to put Mark Halvorson on the agenda for the next meeting to discuss further. Pauline reported that the marina bathrooms will be down Tuesday and Wednesday (7/18 & 7/19). Nancy will post notices of the bathroom closure. Matt made a motion to provide Porta-Pottys for the marina boaters. Will 2nd. Matt amended his motion to have the marina pay for the Porte-potty. 2nd by Will. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Breakwater Access – Chuck and Michael will meet on Saturday at 8:00am to discuss.
C. Norvado – Chuck and Michael are going to discuss the set up of internet on Saturday when they meet for the meeting on the Breakwater access.
D. Secretary/Treasurer Job Description Revised – Nancy will email the write up to the Commissioners.
8. New Business
A. Financial Statement – Will made motion to approve the financial statement. Dave 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Nancy gave the report on customers that still owe and sent out a third billing to those customers. She will send a letter stating that if bill is not paid within thirty days the slip will be forfeited and leased to someone else.
B. Fish Shed Shop, Sanitary District Hookup – Pauline made a motion to approve the location of where the grinder pump will be installed. Dave 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Green-Shed Paul Ehlers – Paul spoke about the old boats. He is going to start the process to apply with the County to put roofs over them.
9. Communications – None
10. Adjournment – Doug made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m. Pauline 2nd.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Thorson – Secretary