Harbor Commission Minutes Monday, October 2, 2023
Town Of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting
Monday, October 2, 2023
1. Call To Order -The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:00 pm. Members present were: Chuck Perry, Matt Lazorik, Will Tillmans, Dave Tillmans, and Doug Becker.
Others present were Harbor Master Michael Thorson, and Harbor Secretary Nancy Thorson
2. Minutes – Doug made motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Matt second.
Passed unanimously.
3. Conflict Of Interest – None
4. Citizen Comments – None
5. Public Hearing – None
6. Reports
A. Harbor Dredge Committee – The borings will be done the week of October 16. They
will then be sent for analysis. We should have some word by early November.
B. Green Shed Committee – No report from Pauline
C. Marina Grounds – No report from Jennifer.
D. Sheet-pile Project – Committee closed. Matt asked Roger to draft a letter that the Harbor Commission can review so that it can be to sent to the Grantors.
7. Old Business
A. Ten Year Plan- Nothing
B. Norvado – Michael will get the installation done, hopefully this month.
C. Financial Statement revised approval – Commissioners are going to look at the
August Financial Statement. Chuck will put it on the November agenda to have it approved.
8. New Business
A. Financial Statement- Chuck has concern about the marina paying for Halvorson
X-cel meter #303295138. Chuck wants the meter switched into Halvorson name. Nancy will contact them to talk with them about it. Will made the motion to approve the financial statement as published. Doug second. Passed unanimously
9. Communications – None
10. Adjournment – Matt made motion to adjourn Dave second at 7:13 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Thorson – Secretary