Harbor Commission Minutes Monday, September 11, 2023

Town Of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2023
1. Call To Order -The meeting was called to order by Chuck Perry at 7:00 pm. Members present were: Chuck Perry, Matt Lazorik, Will Tillmans, Pauline Colamatteo, Jessica Resac, Dave Tillmans. Others present were Harbor Master Michael Thorson, Harbor Secretary Nancy Thorson, and MaryBeth Tillmans.
2. Minutes -Pauline made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10th meeting. Jessica
2nd. Passed unanimously.
3. Conflict Of Interest – None
4. Citizen Comments – MaryBeth stated that Chucked asked her to bring information to the meeting about Janice and herself being paid after Nancy took over the Harbor Secretary position. On June 6, 2022 Chuck sent an email to MaryBeth which listed the secretary duties, but did not include MaryBeth’s and Janice’s treasurer duties. MaryBeth stated that Nancy’s first meeting was January 9, 2023, and that she and Janice continued their treasurer duties and were paid on January 31 for January duties. She received the minutes from the February meeting, and in them it says that Jessica wanted to amend the harbor secretary duties to include all the treasurer duties that MaryBeth and Janice were doing. MaryBeth and Janice continued their duties and they were paid on 3-1-23 for their February duties. She then presented the March minutes from 2023 where the commission approved the amended secretary duties. Nancy took over the duties that month.
5. Public Hearing – None
6. Reports
A. Harbor Dredge Committee – Dave reported. There is no change from previous report, and we are still waiting on the sample borings and analysis to take place.
B. Green Shed Committee – Pauline reported. The siding is painted and they are as far as they can go. They have receipts that can be presented. They have been covering all costs.
They had a fire inspection and they need to fix the outside light and the exit sing above the door. They are open for another month. The harbor will pay for the cost to fix up the museum.
The bill is under $1000.00. Pauline will submit the bills.
C. Marina Grounds- Chuck reported that there is nothing new. Chuck wants better grass and better trees.
7. Old Business
A. -Sheet-pile Project- under new business to approve or reject.
B. Ten Year Plan- nothing new
C. Wi-Fi- Chuck got the equipment and is going to give to Mike tonight to set up.
D. Secretary/Treasurer Job Description Revised- Pauline made motion to approve the revised secretary/treasurer job. Will 2nd. Passed unanimously.
E. – Financial Statement Revised Approval- did not pass financial statement from last month. Chuck went to MaryBeth and asked her to provide the information that she presented during citizen comments. Pauline made a motion to approve the financial statement from the last meeting. There was not a second. Motion did not pass.
8. New Business
A. Sheet-pile project, approval/rejection- Doug contacted Chuck and stated that he does not want to go forward. Chuck agrees. Dave made a motion to reject the project and Pauline 2nd. Matt doesn’t like the way the motion is presented. The current motion states to reject the project entirely. Matt does not want to reject it completely. He thinks there could be better wording for the motion. Dave amended his motion to reject the project as it now stands, and to only open up discussion in the future again if there becomes a need, but halt further
progress at this point. Discussion followed. Dave amended the motion to state “Reject the current proposal due to financial concerns”. Jessica was the only dissenting Commissioner.
Motion carried.

B. Dredging Plan-Long Term, Form a Committee- Matt advised that there should not be a committee formed. The Harbor Commission should be taking care of dredging plans. Chuck will put on the agenda for a future meeting.
C. Financial Statement- Chuck made a motion to pay Mike for his work painting the bathrooms. Jessica 2nd. Passed unanimously. Chuck made motion to pay Nancy for her time painting the bathrooms. Matt 2nd. Passed unanimously. Chuck made a motion to approve Mike’s maintenance time card. Pauline 2nd. Passed unanimously. Nancy presented bills: State Wide Services for General Liability for $1442.00, Mike’s Harbor Master paycheck for $384.79, and Board of Commissioners of Public Lands for $200.
9. Communications – None
10. Adjournment – Matt made motion to adjourn at 7:48pm. Pauline 2nd.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Thorson – Secretary