Hunting Ordinance

Town of Bell
Hunting Ordinance – 2008

The Town Board of the Town of Bell, County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. – Hunting with high powered rifles or shotguns, loaded with ball or slug, in designated areas is prohibited.
Section 2. -Purpose. Prohibit hunting with high powered rifles or shot guns loaded with ball or slug for the safety and protection of persons and property therein.
Section 3. -It shall be unlawful to hunt with high powered rifles or shotguns loaded with ball or slug in said described portions of the Town of Bell, Bayfield
County, Wisconsin:
An area on Spirit Point lying north of Birch Hill Road to Lake Superior Shoreline, beginning on the East at the West property line of Hans Martens and continuous West to Siskiwit Bay shoreline.
-This area shall be more precisely described as the SWl/4 SWI/4 of S24, T51N, R6W; Wl/2 SEl/4 SWI/4 ofS24, T51N, R6W; Sl /2 NWl/4
SWI/4 of S24, T51N, R6W; all ofS23, T51N, R6W; and all ofS22, T51N,R6W
Also an on Romans Point lying north and west of Mountain Ash Road; lying north of Romans Point Road; beginning at the comer of Mountain Ash Road and going easterly, then north to power line and continue east to Lost Creek Slough; this includes all property north to Lake Superior
-This area shall be more precisely described as the Nl /2 NEl/4 S32, T51N, R6W; NWl/4 S32, T51N, R6W; the SWl/4, the NWl/4 and the NEl/4 ofS31, T51 R6W; and all ofS29, T51, R6W
These designated areas shall be properly posted with 8 Yz ” x 11″ signs of
yellow color with black letters, which will read: CLOSED AREA NO hunting with high powered rifles or shoguns loaded with ball or slug. Town of Bell Hunting Ordinance.
Section 4.- Penalty for the violation of this ordinance shall be not less than $50.00(fifty dollars), nor more than $100.00 (one hundred dollars) plus costs.
Section 5.- This ordinance shall supersede any previous hunting ordinances.
Section 6.- This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced upon its’ passage and publication, as provided by law.
The foregoing ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Bell on February 12, 2008. Approved by the Town of Bell Board.


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