January 4 Harbor Commission Minutes
Town of Bell
Harbor Commission Meeting
Monday, January 4, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.. The meeting was held on Zoom. Members present were Chuck Perry, Jesse Kaseno, Pauline Colamatteo, Jessica Resac, Mark Halvorson, Will Tillmans, David Tillmans and MaryBeth Tillmans. Roger Lindgren, Town of Bell Chairman and Andrew Sauter Sargent, Town of Bell Supervisor were also present on Zoom.
Presentation – Wisconsin Commercial Ports Association (WCPA) – Adam Tindell is the director of the Port Authority of Milwaukee and director of WCPA. In his presentation he talked about what the WCPA is and how it is helping harbors with attaining funding and assisting with other needs.
Minutes – A motion was made by P. Colamatteo to approve the minutes of the last meeting and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Conflict of interest – None
Public Comments – None
Public Hearing – None
– Harbor Dredging Committee – The USACE Cornucopia Harbor Fact Sheet needs more on the economic impact to the town included on it. A comprehensive amount is being calculated and will be added. D. Tillmans read letter from the USACE Detroit headquarters. They have a request in for FY 2021 workplan. They are looking at moving laterally for advance maintenance dredging at the southern edge of the harbor mouth. They also said that they have the ability to dredge to a two foot over depth in the project area. They are waiting for the change in our administration to determine new funding.
– Shop Grade Issues Committee – This will be a spring project.
– Green Shed Committee – Steve Denker has volunteered to help. Possible projects will begin in the spring.
Old Business:
– Long-Term Lease Discount – A discount can be available to Wisconsin businesses and residents. C. Perry presented a large quantity boat slip lease discount of 40% to any Wisconsin resident or business that will lease at least 200 linear fee of dock space for ten years. This discount would apply to the recreational rate. This offer is contingent on the Bell Marina having that much vacant dock space. The Bell Marina cannot guarantee this space will be in a contingent row, but will try to accommodate where possible. Finger pier slips will be lease only by the full length of the pier. Sub-leasing of slip space is not permitted.
– Halvorson Lease 2021 – C. Perry recommended giving the discount to the Halvorson Slip Lease. Discussion was held. It was discussed having three leases for them. There would be a Shop, Slip and Storage lease. J. Kaseno made a motion to have three separate leases and P. Colamatteo 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved. Doug Hipsher owns a boat that has a slip with Halvorsons. Because subletting is not allowed, Halvorson’s will need to request a temporary alteration to lease for Doug Hipsher or he will need to lease his own slip. (The Zoom meeting cut out on M. Halvorson and J. Resac at this point. They were unable to reconnect.) P. Colamatteo made a motion to table leases until the next meeting. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Vote: (5 Yes – 0 No). Approved. C. Perry will revise leases for commissioners to review. A special meeting may be called for commissioners to approve the leases, before submitting them to the board.
– Harbor map/jurisdiction – This is being worked on to improve it.
– Ten Year Plan – No update
– Breakwater Access – Repairs to the walkway by Halvorson’s and a washout are needed.
– Boardwalk leveling – There needs to be 2 x 6 blocking to level the boardwalk.
– Marina Handyman part time as need employee/contractor – This has been postponed, until after COVID.
– BIG, RBF and HAP grant update – M. Tillmans read the letter received from the WisDOT for the Harbor Assistance Program Award to the Town of Bell. It is for sheet piling on the west side of the river to repair failing dockwalls, reduce sedimentation, and strengthen shoreline to support routine dredging efforts on the Siskiwit River to protect Cornucopia Harbor. Another $245,00.00 for the east side will be awarded if funding is not received from BIG or RBF. The town is awaiting the Federal funding meeting for the BIG grant that covers the 150’ on the east side of the river, north of the bridge. The RBF (state) grant is for approximately 50 feet north of the end of the 150’ of the BIG grant. It is for erosion control. The town has received this award.
New Business:
– Financial Reports – Reports were reviewed by M. Tillmans. A laptop for J. Resac and C. Perry will be purchased when funds are available. A stand alone Quickbooks will be setup on J. Resac’s laptop.
– Wisconsin Commercial Ports Association (WCPA) – P. Colamatteo made a motion to approve joining the WCPA for $250.00 and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
– Harbor Commission Secretary Timesheet – J. Kaseno made a motion to approve the timesheet and P. Colamatteo 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision.
The next meeting date was set for Monday, January 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
At 10:00 p.m., W. Tillmans made a motion to adjourn and P. Colamatteo 2nd the motion. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Secretary