Minutes – Town of Bell Board Meeting – May 9, 2023


Tuesday May 9, 2023

7:00 p.m.

at the Community Center


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  Board members present were Matt Lazorik, Jackie Eid, Jesse Kaseno, Paul Ehlers, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson. Gordon Anderson was absent.

-Board Meeting Minutes-

Eid made a motion to approve the minutes and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision. Approved.

-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the reports and J. Kaseno 2nd the

motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.


Board Comments – None

Correspondence– – None

Committee Reports-Reviewed

Sanitary District – They had a spring discharge. Treatment of the ponds was done. They

are moving forward with the WI DNR on design plans for the new pond.

Public Comments

Bruce Ehlers – Would like to the posting of permits that the board will decide

on to recommend approval to the County Zoning Board.

Mosiah Martinez  – He is fourteen years old and is available for mowing or

or light tasks.

Roger Lindgren – Asked the board for their support of the solar energy installation

and EV charging stations.

Eve Erickson – Would like to see the meeting available on Zoom. Update: Meetings will

soon be available live stream.


Old Business

1. Solar Installation- Discussion and Possible Decision

Bill Bailey, from Cheqbay Renewals, representing Bayfield County was present

and talked about the grants currently available for the solar installation at the

town community center and EV charging stations in the Town of Bell.  The

grants would be 80/20. For the solar installation, EXCEL will possibly do the 20%.

He is asking for letters of support for the solar installation at the Town of Bell

Community Center and the EV charging stations in town.


A group has been working on plans for a solar installation at the community

center.  P. Ehlers made a motion to authorize the solar group to continue

working on the installation at the community center. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.

Discussion was held. Vote: (2 Yes, 2 No)

Yes: J. Kaseno and Paul Ehlers.  No: M. Lazorik and J. Eid. Motion failed.

  1. Town of Bell Providing EV Charging Stations- Discussion and Decision

Ehlers made a motion to provide a letter of support for EV charging stations

for private entities in the Town of Bell. J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.  Discussion was

held.  Unanimous decision.  Approved.


New Business

1. Comp Plan Land Use Maps- Discussion and Possible Decision

The Planning Commission worked on possible changes to uses for permitting, for the

Bayfield County Comp Plan Land Use Maps provide by them. A list of possible

revisions were sent to them.

  1. Deering Class A Special Use: RV Parking- Discussion and Decision

The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit to the county.

Eid made a motion to recommend approval of the Deering Class A Special

Use permit to Bayfield Co.  Zoning and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.  Unanimous

decision.  Approved.

  1. Clayburgh Class A Special Use: Shoreland Grading for Driveway’s- Discussion

and Decision

The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit to the county.

Eid made a motion to recommend approval of the Clayburgh Class A Special

Use permit to Bayfield Co.  Zoning and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.  M. Lazorik

recused himself. Unanimous decision.  Approved.

  1. Corny Fish Shed Sanitary Hook Up- Discussion and Decision

They will hook up to the Town of Bell Sant. District.  The grinder pump will be

next to the building. It will hook into the line after the bathroom building. The

Planning Commission recommended approval of their hookup to the Town of

Bell Sant. District. The work will be done in the fall.  This will be the next Harbor

Commission meeting agenda for their approval.

  1. Green Shed Options for Improvement- Discussion

Ehlers is researching grants possibilities for improving the building. The lifting of

the building and pouring of new footings is being considered.  Drain tile for the

north and east side of the building is being looked into.  Paints and cleaners are being

applied to the inside of the building. The museum will open in June. P. Ehlers made a

motion for the town to explore grants opportunities for repairing and fixing the

Green Shed. J. Eid 2nd the motion.  Unanimous decision.  Approved.

  1. Bremmer Bank Account Closure- Decision

Kaseno made a motion to close the last bank account and move it to Chippewa

Valley Bank and J. Eid 2nd the motion.  Unanimous decision. Approved.

  1. Chippewa Valley Bank Positive Pay Directive- Decision

Ehlers made a motion to forgo the Positive Pay Directive and J. Kaseno 2nd the

motion.  Unanimous decision. Approved.

At 8:13, J. Kaseno made a motion to adjourn the meeting and P. Ehlers 2nd the motion.  Approved.


Respectfully submitted,


MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk