Minutes – Town of Bell – June 14, 2022


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

at the Community Center

7:00 p.m.



The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.  Board members present were Roger Lindgren,

James Kaseno, Jackie Eid, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, and MaryBeth Tillmans. Janice Olson

was absent. The meeting was available with Zoom.

-Board Meeting Minutes-

  1. Eid made a motion to approve the minutes and A. Hahn 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision. Approved.

-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the report and G. Anderson 2nd

the motion.  Vote (4-1) Yes- R. Lindgren, J. Kaseno, J. Eid & G. Anderson. No- A. Hahn.



Board Comments

  1. Lindgren – There is a celebration of life for Janette Fanta at their home on May 28th.

On May 22nd there will be a brunch for Harry Kellog at the Cornucopia

Sweet Shop.  Ralph Erickson has passed away and there will be a service

on May 20th.  Mowing operations are beginning and people are reminded

to keep the right of ways open.  Individuals that did the holiday decorations

and gardens were thanked for their wonderful work.

Correspondence– – Reviewed

Committee Reports-Reviewed

. Sant. District – Holding tank haulers have been stopped from dumping into the

the lagoons, until the beginning of June. The sanitary district is continuing with their

noncompliance of phosphorus influents. A pontoon boat will be used to disperse

a product with the boat prop and a hose. The phosphorus influents will sink and

the ponds will need to be dredged. They are pursuing a grant for holding tank

waste that would be separate from the town waste.

Public Comment Period

Paul Ehlers – Not in favor of the new visitor center at the lakefront.

Ellie Umpiere – Spoke in favor of short term rentals.

Sarah Daley – Not in favor of the new visitor center at the lakefront

Richard Dunn – Not in favor of the new visitor center at the lakefront

Anna Hipke Kruger – Not in favor or the new visitor center at the lakefront

Old Business

  1. Senior Dining Update

There were fifteen people at the last senior meal provided by Bayfield County.

Senior meals are served at the Town of Bell Community Center on Tuesdays at

11:00 a.m..  Reservations must be made by 9:00a.m. the day before.

  1. Housing Location Inquiry Status

The Planning Commission is following up on this.  They are looking at potential

properties where low cost housing could be built.


  1. Bipartisan Infrastructure STP Local 2022 submittal and plans for future

No new update

  1. Report on planning for Natl Scenic Byway Visitor Center

The town has submitted the initial application grant for a visitor center

for 1.6 million dollars.  It would be located at the lakefront on Hwy 13.

  1. CaCl program – $40/200’ if requested by homeowner

A letter will be sent out to property owners about the program.  The

letter will also include information about a pickup for large waste items for

people who need assistance.

  1. Create hiking /cc skiing trail by Airport. Name trail (s) – Doug Becker

The Parks & Lands committee is working with A. Hahn on phase 1 & 2.

Phase one would be the Harry Kellogg trail.  The trailhead and limited

parking will be by the Recycling Center. Phase two would be the Bill Sloan

trail with the parking and trail head to be off Birch Hill road.  The Bayfield

County Trail Club is helping with plans.  The plan will be developed and

then sent to the town board for approval.

  1. Lost Creek Adventures Kayaking Event September 15-18 – Greg Weiss
  2. Weiss reviewed a map of the event showing parking, activity area,

vendor and launch area. The Parks and Lands will look at possible fees

for vendors.

  1. Vilas County – Protest Levy Limits – Jackie

After reviewing the Vilas County – Protest Levy Limits, J. Eid

recommended not to sign on. The town in the last twenty-eight years only

exceeded the levy limit twice and they did receive approval from the town residents

at the budget approval meeting. Discussion was held. A. Hahn made a motion

to sign on to the Vilas County Protest Limits and R. Lindgren 2nd the motion.

Discussion was held.  A. Hahn rescinded his motion.  This was tabled to next month.

  1. Status of Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance – potential moratorium – Jackie

The Planning Commission at its last meeting had a lively informed discussion of

STRs effect on the community. It was decided to have a committee to do research

and gather data to analyze.  An ordinance will be written with a possible moratorium.

  1. Water sampling at Siskiwit Beach Well. Completed – awaiting results

The water sampling was completed.  The town is waiting for the results.

  1. Cross Walk and Speed Sign – Matt Hipsher
  2. Hipsher is working with Red Cliff to rent their speed sign. It is trailer mounted.

New Business

  1. Appoint Harbor Commissioners
  2. Lindgren recommended Pauline Colamatteo for position 5 and Doug Becker

for position 6.  A. Hahn made a motion to approve the appointment of Pauline

Colamatteo to the Harbor Commission and J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.  Unanimous

decision.  Approved.  A. Hahn made a motion to approve the appointment of

of Doug Becker and G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision.  Approved.


  1. Commissioner Terms, Posting for Nominations, Appointment/Reappointment policy

The Harbor Commission and Planning Commission need to be changed to require

that when a person’s term comes to an end that we ask for nominations.  They

will appended.

  1. Request Nominations for Planning Commissioners due May 14.

All nominations are due by May 14, 2022.

  1. Community Center Security

This was tabled to next month.

  1. Consider Change to Fireworks Permit Insurance Requirements and Order larger signs.

The current ordinance requires a million dollar special rider insurance policy.

Most homeowners have a $300,000 rider.  R. Lindgren recommended lowering

the ordinance insurance requirement to $300,000.  Discussion was held.

The ordinance will be amended.  The current fireworks signs are too small.  Larger

ones will be ordered.


At 8:38 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.  Approved.


Respectfully submitted,


MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk