Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes 5/12/23

Friday, May 12, 2023 9:30 am @ Cornucopia Community Center

Town of Bell Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes

Committee members present: Doug Becker, Gordon Anderson, Gina Emily, Richard Dunn

Absent: Greg Weiss

Others present: Judy Kerr, Judy Becker, Supervisor Paul Ehlers, Steve Rudd

Chair Doug Becker called the meeting to order at 9:37 am.

Old Business:

  1. Previous minutes approval: motion was made by G. Anderson and seconded by G. Emily. Passed.
  2. Budget review: no update.
  3. Appointments by Town Chair to Positions 3 & 4: R. Dunn & D. Becker. Terms expire in 2026.
    1. Nominations:
      1. G. Anderson nominated D. Becker as Chair. No other nominations. Passed.
      2. G. Emily nominated J. Becker as Secretary. No other nominations. Passed. As J. Becker is not a Committee member, this could be a paid position. Responsibilities include: recording of minutes, posting agendas and minutes, record keeping. Suggested pay: $40 per meeting. Approved.
      3. Becker will contact Town Clerk.
    2. Beach Bathroom Grant Search:
      1. Three contractors have been contacted for quotes. Awaiting responses.
      2. Dunn commented that the building was constructed in the late 80’s or early 90’s.
      3. Anderson suggested D. Becker also contact Dykstra Construction.
      4. Harbor Commission does not want to participate in this project.
    3. Siskiwit River Preserve Town/County Contract:
      1. Anderson reported that the County has been contacted by the Town for reimbursement for plowing and mowing.
      2. Dunn will keep Committee updated on his hours with Town DPW for these services. They average about 30 hours per year.
    4. Campground Update:
      1. Previous Hosts, the Butterfields, cannot host this year.
      2. Dunn will continue to maintain the grounds and remove garbage 1-2X weekly, as needed. He reported that non-campers dump their garbage there.
      3. Kerr will check on campground needs 1-2X daily, as needed.
      4. Erosion by stairs; on-going.
      5. Commercial kayak vendor use of campground: a sign will be posted and the website updated to say “$100 event use fee is required for commercial kayak vendors”.
      6. Tables and grills need painting.
    5. DPW List:
      1. Discussed and revised. List will be sent to M. Hipsher.
        1. S. Rudd observed that the overflow pipe area shows flooding from behind the building, not just the pipe. R. Dunn suggested a plumber be contacted when the sidewalk/overflow pipe repair is slated.
      2. Community Center Flowerbed update:
        1. Cleaned up and looks wonderful. New area under development.
      3. ADA Assessment Discussion, pages 11-19:
        1. Community Center areas have no fire alarms nor smoke detectors, item 10, subset b.

New Business:

  1. Grant Funding for Solar Panels/Charging Station:TOB Board minutes of May 9 for decision.
  2. Third Solar Light:
    1. postponed until after sidewalk and overflow pipe repair.
    2. Kurt Nelson will be contacted about a different type of solar lighting than the current two.
  3. Spring Maintenance:
    1. Anderson will inspect playground equipment.
    2. Kerr will call to have Superior Ave bathroom pumped. G. Anderson & R. Dunn will inspect & make needed repairs.
    3. Becker will inspect beach chairs, picnic tables.
    4. Emily suggested a painting party for campground and Swenson Pavilion tables.
    5. Beach bathrooms will be opened soon by J. Kerr. Plumber will be contacted to repair men’s room faucet.
    6. Dunn will attempt to replace tipped flower box at Swenson Pavilion.
  4. ADA Assessment of Town Buildings: pages 20-30 for discussion at the next meeting.

Motion was made to adjourn by G. Anderson, seconded by G. Emily. Passed.

Next meeting: Friday, June 2, 2023 at 9:30 am at the Community Center.

Submitted on by Secretary Judy Becker.