Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes 8/4/23
Friday, August 4, 2023 9:30 am @ Cornucopia Community Center
Town of Bell Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes
Committee members present: Doug Becker, Gina Emily, Richard Dunn
Absent: Greg Weiss, Gordon Anderson
Others present: Judy Kerr, Judy Becker, Yvette Fleming
Chair Doug Becker called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.
Old Business:
- Previous minutes approval: motion was made by D. Becker; seconded by R. Dunn to correct the previous month’s minutes to include Yvette Flemming in attendance. Approved.
- Budget review: no update.
- Spring Maintenance Update:
- Superior Ave. beach port-a-potty seat is still broken.
- Dunn painted lettering on the TOB Cemetery sign.
- Beach Bathroom Rock – D. Becker repaired the rock.
- Becker family donated a bin for the basketballs.
- Secretary Appointment: TOB Board approved hiring Judy Becker.
- Beach Bathroom Maintenance:
- Mike & Nancy Thorson washed and painted the bathrooms. Sincere thanks.
- Floor needs to be painted at the end of the season.
- Campground Update:
- Emily swept the tables in July. A replacement DoggiePot will be ordered by J. Kerr.
- Kerr reported July income of $1760.
- DPW 4 projects update: gravel was added to the campground entrance.
- ADA Assessment update: handicap van access sign is on order for the CC parking lot.
- Boats Don’t Float Preservation Zoning – P. Ehlers: no report
- Picnic Table Maintenance:
- Swenson Pavilion picnic tables were scraped & painted. Thanks to: G. Emily, G. Anderson, Steve Rudd, Yvette Fleming, D. Becker, Sue Klotz
- Campground picnic table maintenance:
- Monday, August 14 @ 9:00 am (rain date: Wednesday, August 16).
- Y. Fleming would like to donate a picnic table in good repair.
- G. Emily will contact Siskiwit Lake residents about assisting with painting.
- Corny Club Pavilion Status – no report.
New Business:
- Commercial Kayak Vendor Fee @ Campground: tabled.
- Art Crawl request: Nancy Moye requested permission for kids chalk art on the sidewalks at the CC on the Art Crawl Day. D. Becker approved with the stipulation that it needs to be washed clean afterwards. Committee agreed.
- Siskiwit Lake Resident Annual Picnic:
- Becker & Anderson families were invited to present information about previous decisions by the committee and the TOB about the Siskiwit Lake lot. D. Becker gave a short talk & answered questions. No further action was taken.
- Kiewit Memorial Tree: Joan Kiewit hasn’t received the invoice for payment yet. D. Becker resubmitted request to Town Clerk.
- DoggiePot @ CC: J. Kerr will order one. D. Becker & R. Dunn will install.
- Campground Future:
- Becker made a motion, seconded by G. Emily to purchase 2 new 8 foot picnic tables with TOB approval for the Swenson Pavilion. Passed. Tables are of expanded metal, coated, no maintenance, handicap accessible. $1400 each plus shipping, etc. The 2 replaced Pavillion tables will then be moved to the campground. Damaged ones will be discarded.
- Food Shelf Building: J. Kerr was advised to bring this to TOB.
- 2024 Budget requests/ideas:
- 2 more new picnic tables
- Sidewalk Repair behind CC: D. Becker & R. Dunn will inspect.
- Outdoor Exercise County Grant: Y. Fleming will investigate.
- Beach Bathroom Maintenance: R. Dunn will investigate broken men’s room hand dryer.
- Other: G. Emily reported $81 in the Siskiwit Lake Boat Launch donation box.
Motion was made to adjourn by R. Dunn, seconded by G. Emily. Passed at 10:40 am.
Next meeting: Friday, September 1, 2023 at 9:30 am at the Community Center.
Submitted by Secretary Judy Becker
August 5, 2023