Parks and Lands Minutes 2-3-2023

Town of Bell Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes Friday, February 3, 2023 9:30 am @ Cornucopia Community Center

Committee members present: Doug Becker, Judy Becker, Gordon Anderson, Greg Weiss

Others present: Judy Kerr, Yvette Fleming, TOB Chair Roger Lindgren, Steve Rudd

Chair Doug Becker called the meeting to order at 9:32 am.

Old Business:


  1. Previous minutes approval: motion was made by Gordon and seconded by Doug. Passed.
  2. Budget review: “other Parks and Lands” expenses needs to be clarified – no update.
  3. Requests to Matt Hipscher/Department of Public Works before Memorial Weekend, 2023:
    1. Items on list to date:
      1. Sidewalk replacement after over flow pipe is replaced.
      2. More gravel behind the Community Center.
  • Better lighting behind the Community Center.
  1. Weed removal along breakwall walk during summer months.
  2. Deepen Community Center ditches.
  3. Re-gravel Campground entrance.
  • Dirt fill needed by campground steps to the beach area.
  1. ADA Assessment of Town Buildings: Doug will contact John Nedden-Durst for an update.
  2. Market analysis of Town-owned Property # 7527
    1. Gordon will invite Erica Lang and Jason Bodine to attend the March meeting.
    2. Greg described his recent review of the property: has areas of recent clearing, easement within boundaries to private property, areas of wet lands. Yvette: it has been surveyed, accessible by a sand/gravel road. Gordon: some possibly harvestable timber.
    3. Trust For Public Land Report: Gordon described it as similar to the Land Conservancy organization that assists Counties in acquiring grants to purchase parcels for managed protection from development.
  3. Harbor Commission and the Green Shed Museum update: no report this month.
  4. Campground Host(s) Status: no update.
  5. Parking Lot Solar Lights update: snow and ice was removed to improve solar charging.

New Business:

  1. Maintenance of Campground and Beach Toilets by Recycling Center Manager: much discussion but no recommendation. Doug will discuss the beach toilets with the Harbor Commission.
  2. Campground Hosts Fees/Volunteer Service: Gordon recommended that they be charged $1 per season in exchange for proscribed maintenance and services.
  3. Additional Parking Lot Lights: Doug will research a third solar light.
  4. Siskiwit River Preserve Trails Correspondence from Peter Rothe:
    1. Meadow trail has 2 loops groomed by Bayfield Nordic for snowshoeing, XC classic and skate skiing.
    2. Forest and Orchard trail system packed down with snowmobiles but not tracked; possible full grooming next year if sufficient usage.
    3. Counters are at parking lot entrance and north entrance of the Forest/Orchard portions.
    4. Public is encouraged to use trails. Donations accepted at
  5. Tom Mason Memorial Bench: Deanne Mason should work directly with Jason Bodine for placement within the Siskiwit River Preserve.
  6. Other:
    1. Kayak Symposium update: Greg is working with the airport Fly-in committee due to events overlap on June 22-25, 2023.
    2. Community Center Management: Roger requested that the Committee discuss assuming responsibility for the Community Center. Members should review available information on manager’s job description and the rental policy for the next meeting.
  7. Next meeting date: Friday, March 3, 2023 at 9:30 am.


Motion was made to adjourn by Gordon and seconded by Doug. Passed.

Submitted on Saturday, February 4, 2023 by Secretary Judy Becker.