Parks & Lands Minutes 3/3/2023

Friday, March 3, 2023 9:30 am @ Cornucopia Community Center

Town of Bell Parks and Lands Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 3, 2023 9:30 am @ Cornucopia Community Center

Committee members present: Doug Becker, Judy Becker, Gordon Anderson, Gina Emily

Absent: Greg Weiss

Others present: Judy Kerr, TOB Supervisor Jackie Eid, Ed & Cindy Butterfield, Peter Rothe, Jason Bodine

Chair Doug Becker called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.

Old Business:

  1. Previous minutes approval: motion was made by Gordon and seconded by Gina. Passed.
  2. Budget review: “other Parks and Lands” expenses needs to be clarified – no update.
  3. ADA Assessment of Town Buildings: completed; pages 1-10 will be discussed in April.
  4. Bayfield County Acquisition of Town Property # 7527:
    1. Jason Bodine of the Forestry & Parks Committee for Bayfield County collected information and advised the Committee of procedures.
    2. A motion was made by Doug, seconded by Gordon to contact Whitetail Country Appraisals. Approved.
    3. The TOB Board must submit a request of acquisition to the Forestry & Lands Committee. Grant money possibilities were discussed.
  5. Campground Host(s) Status:
    1. Ed & Cindy Butterfield accepted the volunteer position of Campground Hosts for the 2023 season.
    2. In exchange for maintenance and services, they will be charged $1 for site usage.
  6. Community Center Management Proposal:
    1. Gina made a motion for the Committee to not assume responsibility for the Community Center; seconded by Judy B. Much discussion. Motion failed.
    2. Further discussion. Committee recommends that a TOB Supervisor be assigned to supervise the management of the Community Center.

New Business:

  1. Expiring Term Limits:
    1. Position 3 held by Judy Becker and Position 4 held by Doug Becker expire in April, 2023.
    2. Nominations for these positions should be requested by the TOB Board at the next meeting for a vote in April.
    3. Position 1 held by Greg Weiss and Position 2 held by Gina Emily will expire in 2025; Position 5 held by Supervisor Gordon Anderson is based on Supervisor term limits.
  2. Flag Replacement: all flags will be inspected this spring for repair or replacement.
  3. P & L Committee & Harbor Commission Joint Meeting: Doug will seek several possible dates.
  4. Beach Bathroom Grant Search: Doug contacted state officials to approach DOT.
  5. Other:
    1. Open beach (and campground?) bathrooms by the first weekend in May.
    2. Jason updated the Siskiwit River Preserve, Trails and orchard projected projects.
    3. Recommend that the Town pursue a contract with County for Sisikiwit River Preserve plowing and mowing.

Motion was made to adjourn by Doug and seconded by Gina. Passed.

Next meeting: Friday, April 7, 2023 at 9:30 am at the Community Center.

Submitted on by Secretary Judy Becker.