Planning Commission Meeting – July 11, 2022 – Minutes
Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2022
Mtg called to order at 4:12 PM by Mark Ehlers as Pro Tem pore Chair.
Minutes from May 09, 2022 reviewed and corrected to include Krista Tkach as community member present at this meeting. Motion made by David Tillmans and seconded by Nancy Moye to approve the corrected minutes.
Voted held to swear in Planning Commissioners David Tillmans and Jody Hipsher to their office of Planning Commissioners. This being done the vote was held on previous motion and passed unanimously.
Discussion held about the length of two of the newer PC officers as they may be replacing two commissioners who moved to other official service in the TOB. Clarification will be sought from the Chair of the PC and the Town Clerk
Mark Ehlers asked for a moment of silence to remember Brad Eid’s recent passing.
Reviewed Updates and Correspondence which pertained primarily to the ATV issues on Stage Road and will be used during the agenda item of ATV Route Update.
Short Term Rental Committee report given by Phil Moye. Phil started the report reviewing his agreement with PC Chairman Jackie Eid to share with PC the progress made at meetings and the planned agenda for next meetings. He also reviewed the mission statement of the Committee which is “To provide the Planning Commission with a quantitative and qualitative analysis of short-term rental impacts in the Town of Bell, including potential regulatory recommendations”. Data is being accumulated and charted in the areas of sanitary system use/pumping by units known used for STR and a few other full-time residences for use in comparison information. Review of 10 of 16 existing ordinances from other townships to learn about regulating is being done. Committee hopes to develop surveys of STR owners, Community members view, and Customer views. The committee has been meeting every two weeks and the next meeting is July 13th.
ATV Route via Stage Rd update following petition created and signed by several Stage Road residents. Communication between Jackie Eid and Jeff Kistner, Bayfield County Sheriff Dept. shared observation on July 2nd to monitor traffic in general for a time frame of 2.5 hours. Number and type of vehicles were counted as were speeds measured by radar. Observations made this day did not find violation of speed by the 18 trucks and cars and only one group of off-road vehicles consisting of 3 ATVs and 1 UTV was encountered. Signage issues are noted to exist, and this is being worked on with County observations and with TOB road crew.
Norton Property Easement Discussed. This Agenda item was added to previous agenda and some PC members missed that agenda. The documents were available, and discussion held resulting in questions generated for which more information was needed about possible solutions. A motion was made by Mark Ehlers and seconded by Jody Hipsher to table this agenda item to gain more information.
Next mtg Monday Aug 8, 2022 4 PM
Adjourned @5:30