Planning Commission Meeting – May 9, 2022 – Minutes
Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2022
Meeting called to order at 4:03 p.m.
Commissioners present: Dave Tillmans, Gordon Anderson, Mark Ehlers, Greg Weiss, Jackie Eid
Community members present: Erin Hutchinson, Roger Lindgren, Phil Moye, Nancy Moye, Jayne Norton, Susan Keachie, Eli Umpierre, John Anderson, Andrea Stoneman
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes Gordon Anderson, 2nd Dave Tillmans. Unanimous
Updates/Correspondence: Will be added into agenda items.
Short Term Rentals: There was much discussion. Following are some of the comments.
Sounds like John Carlson, Bayfield Counties Atty. Is working on a county ordinance. Sounds like it may give local jurisdictions more control.
There is an online data base that shows when permits were issued.
STR’s bring good people to the area. Downside is it can lead to unplanned overdevelopement.
Rentals don’t make money. STR’s offset the cost of owning the property.
None of the business’s would survive with only local people.
Head of Bayfield Chamber would be willing to come talk about room tax.
Some STR owners are planning to become full time residents in the future.
Need the rental now to help with costs until I can become a full time resident.
Infrastructure demands are being stretched.
3 primary concerns in considering a moratorium. Need justification. Infrastructure crisis, health/safety concerns. Need a report from an engineer, needs 1 public hearing preceded by a class 1 notice.
Reply from Wi. Towns Assoc. was read.
Is there a way to access ABNB or VRBO for data?
Erin has access to a STR database. Will share info/data with us.
Janet Bewley says every town has the right to a moratorium for health and safety. Can we get an engineers input? Sanitary Dist. Sounds like an infrastructure crisis.
As a data manager, need reliable accurate data.
Consensus: we need more information. Collection of regulations elsewhere. Inventory of STR’s, access to applications. Survey of STR’s. How to receive data. Research into business advantages. How to put our heads together to obtain and present information. Impact on infrastructure.
Responsibility for financial decisions not the responsibility of the Town of Bell.
Be careful talking about character. Don’t want to become an inclusive community.
Need to write a clear statement of what we are trying to accomplish.
It was decided to form a STR Committee. Need people from all parts of this. STR owners, Community members, Business members.
Committee is looking to gather data. Collect and review existing ordinances, analyze, and start drafting an ordinance.
Phil Moye will be heading the committee.
Sidewalk Ordinance: Tabled to next month.
Next meeting date: June 13,2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn Gordon Anderson, 2nd Ma