Town Bell Board Meeting Minutes – Tues., March 12, 2024
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
7:00 p.m.
at the Community Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Matt Lazorik, Jackie Eid, James Kaseno, Gordon Anderson, Paul Ehlers, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.
-Board Meeting Minutes- J. Eid made a motion to approve the Feb. 13th Regular Board Meeting
minutes and Special Town Board meeting on Feb. 16th. G. Anderson 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved.
-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the reports and J. Kaseno6 2nd the
motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Board Comments –
G. Anderson-There has been an effort to revitalize the orchard at the Swenson Preserve.
Apple chips are available there.
Correspondence– None
Committee Reports-Reviewed
Sanitary District –The DNR will be holding a hearing regarding amending their permit for the
holding pond. They are hoping to go back to the original requirements.
Public Comments
Jennifer Toribio Warren from Bayfield Co Housing and Kelly Wesland, from Bayfield Co. Extension spoke. The Thrive Program grant was awarded to Bayfield Co. Housing Authority to help with the development and technical assistance for senior housing
In Cornucopia. They are looking at other possible grants.
Judy Becker – Question about wood along highway 13. Coffee Cart is still being held
at Community Center from 9-11am on Thurs. through March.
Old Business
- Town financial audit- discussion and possible decision
There was no update
- Town website reconstruction, discission and possible decision
P. Elhers has worked with John Anderson on finding a new provider. They had six
meetings with possible providers. They have received five quotes, including
Superior Lighthouse, our current provider. The quotes were given to the board ahead
the meeting for them to review. The transition will take two to three months.
Ehlers and J. Anderson have more questions for the providers. They hope to have a
recommendation for the board at next month’s meeting.
New Business
- Take nominations for Plan Commissioner
One position is open for a three year term. Appointment will be at the April meeting. Nominations can be received prior to the meeting. J. Eid nominated Mark Ehlers. Mark Ehlers nominated Kenny Roman.
- Short term rental ordinance designation for commercial zoned property, discussion and decision
Letters received by Greg Weiss from Lost Creek Adventures and Jeff Byerhoff from
Siskiwit River Cabins were read. Questions were raised about including businesses
that were zoned RRB or commercial in the ordinance as STRs. These businesses do
not have the owner living on premises. The wording in the ordinance is grey.
Eid made a motion to exclude them until the wording in the ordinance is clarified.
G. Anderson 2nd the motion.
Vote : 4 Yes- 0 No. J. Kaseno abstained from voting. Motion passed.
- Parks and Lands application for a County grant to be used for outdoor exercise equipment, discussion and decision
A Community Wellness grant is being look at to apply for. It is a 50/50
match. Exercise stations with year round equipment is being considered. April 25th
is the application deadline. G. Anderson made a motion to apply for the grant and
J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Public Comments
Nancy Moye – In support of the Parks & Lands grant for exercise stations.
Phil Moye – Supports J. Eid with the Short Term Rental Ordinance.
John Anderson – Spoke about the Short Term Rental Ordinance.
Jennifer Toribio Warren – Spoke about grants available.
Mark Ehlers – The Cornucopia fireworks this year is July 6th.
J. Eid made a motion at 7:48 pm to adjourn the meeting and G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk