Town of Bell Board Meeting Minutes – July 12, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
at the Community Center
7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Roger Lindgren, James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson. Jackie Eid was absent. The meeting was available with Zoom.
-Board Meeting Minutes-
- Kaseno made a motion to approve the minutes and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved.
-Treasurer’s Report –G. Anderson made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd
the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Board Comments
- Lindgren – Recognized the passing of Brad Eid. There will be a celebration of life on July 31st.
Volunteers are needed for Corny Day.
- Eid – Local residents reaching out for help and not receiving a return call is unacceptable.
Correspondence– – Reviewed
Committee Reports-Reviewed
Sanitary District – They have met their permit limit for phosphorus influents with the DNR.
The required report has been completed. The current system is over design capacity.
No waste is being taken outside of the district. The system is working as designed.
Public Comment Period
-Concerns about the visitor center at the lakefront.
-Concerns about public housing in town.
Old Business
- Public Housing Authority Presentation. If you’d like to review the information in advance, refer to: and
Karen Novak did a presentation on Public Housing for Bayfield County. She is chairing
a committee for a pilot program – “What to do for the need of housing”. There are
numerous types of housing. Examples are Income Eligible, Senior and Workforce.
Richard Avol from Bayfield County Housing Authority was present to answer
questions. More information will be provided at future meetings. If the Town,
by a vote decides to proceed. A study of a twenty mile radius will be done to
determine the needs of the area. It is a rather long process.
Potential properties where public housing could be built are being looked at.
- Status Report on planning for Natl Scenic Byway Visitor Center
- Lindgren gave a presentation of the plans of the Natl Scenic Byway Visitor Center.
There will be a public hearing on Aug. 16th, for information about the building and
plans. On Aug. 30th, there will be a Special Town Meeting of the electors to vote on
if they want the Natl Scenic Byway Visitor Center, as presented at the public
- Update: Stage Road – ATV/UTV Route
The Bayfield County sheriff was monitoring all traffic on Stage Road over
the Fourth of July weekend. Only one ATV was speeding. Numerous vehicles
were driving over the posted speed limit. The town has the speed limits
posted less than what the state allows. The Planning Commission recommended
no action on removing Stage Road as route, but to look at the speed limits in
violation of state statues. More use of Hwy C for ATVs is being proposed to take
most traffic off of Stage Road.
- Vilas County – form of resolution to protest levy limits
- Hahn made a motion to approve the resolution and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved
- Fireworks Ordinance
- Anderson made motion to changed the required liability amount to $300,000 and
to add the requirement of a Hold Harmless clause. A. Hahn 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved.
New Business
- Community Center Security – Deferred to next month
- Review and potentially Approve amended fireworks ordinance – Deferred to next
- Consider Petition regarding EMS as an essential service-Deferred to next month
At 8:45 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk