Town of Bell Board Meeting Sept. 13, 2022 Minutes


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

at the Community Center

7:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Board members present were Roger Lindgren, James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.  The meeting was available with Zoom.

-Board Meeting Minutes-

  1. Kaseno made a motion to approve the minutes and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision. Approved.

-Treasurer’s Report –J. Kaseno made a motion to approve the report and G. Anderson 2nd

the motion.  A. Hahn abstained. (Vote: 4-0).  Approved.


Board Comments

  1. Hahn – Communicating better with others is important as we move forward.
  2. Lindgren – Thanked everyone involved in the Art Crawl for making it a beautiful and

successful event for the town.

– Thanked Marc Wanvig for the donation of pictures in community center.

– Thank Judy Kerr and Richard Dunn for their work done to spruce up the community

center and the town for the Art Crawl

Correspondence– – Reviewed

Committee Reports-Reviewed

Sanitary District – They are meeting tomorrow with engineers to look at the site for the new

proposed ponds.  They are trying to determine the size.  A DNR loan will be applied for.

The ACOE is turning resources over to the DNR and it is possible the loan could be


Public Comment Period

Nancy Moye – Thanked Marc Wanvig for the pictures for the community center. This

was the 18th annual Art Crawl.  She received many positive comments.

Bruce Ehlers – Is a paper shredding event planned for the future.  Not at this time.

Judy Kerr – The amount raised by Corny Day was $9,312.61 and $4000 from Halvorson’s.


Old Business

  1. Senior and Workforce Housing needs. Public Housing Authority Presentation – follow-up

The Public Housing Authority will be doing the presentation at the October meeting.

  1. Scenic Byway Visitor Center – update

The Scenic Byway Visitor Center was voted down (Yes: 41, No:89) at the Special

Town meeting of the electors, held on Tuesday, August 30, 2022.

  1. Levy protest – needs signature

The resolution needs signatures and will be submitted to the state.

  1. Fireworks Ordinance – needs signature

The approved changes were made and the ordinance is ready for signatures.


  1. Beach Well Analysis Results

The results were received and there was no trouble with any of the elements.



New Business

  1. Community Center Security – defer to October
  2. Lindgren will meet with Kurt Nelson about cameras and Judy Kerr about doors.
  3. Consider Petition regarding EMS as an essential service

The Cornucopia Fire Department is essential, but ambulance and EMS service is not.

The county is recommending the circulation of a petition with signatures, requesting

it to be an essential service.  A petition is being drafted.

  1. Overnight parking – residential streets – discussion

This was deferred to next month.

  1. Set Dates for working on next years budget

The dates for the budget workshop are Tues., Sept. 27th and Thurs., Sept. 29th at

5:30 p.m.

  1. Budget – consider addition of employee to road crew – discussion

At the budget meeting, an additional employee for the road crew, along with other

departments will be considered.


At 7:55 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.  Approved.


Respectfully submitted,


MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk