Town of Bell Harbor Commission Meeting Minutes – May

Town of Bell

Harbor Commission Meeting

Monday, May 17, 2021



The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.. Members present were Chuck Perry, Pauline Colamatteo, Will Tillmans, Jessica Resac, Jennifer Sauter Sargent, Kristine Anderson and MaryBeth Tillmans.
J. Kaseno was absent. Roger Lindgren, Town of Bell Chairman and David Tillmans were also present.

Minutes – A motion was made by P. Colamatteo to approve the minutes of the last meeting and W. Tillmans 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
Conflict of interest – None
Public Comments – None
Public Hearing – None

Harbor Dredging Committee –D. Tillmans gave the report. The USACE floating plant will be here in the
middle of July to do emergency strike removal. The removals will be placed on the beach for
beach nourishment. They will also be improving the deflector dike on the east of the walkway, with rock. A USACE had a stake holders meeting on April 30th. The Cornucopia Harbor fact sheet       was displayed and they recommended other to set theirs up with the same type of information. There has been an increase in funding for the Great Lakes dredging and maintenance. The         USACE    has put in for funding for dredging in 2022 through the President’s Budget and in 2023 in case it is not received in 2022. The amount put in for is $700,000 worth of dredging and       $500,000 of      wall work. The USACE is putting up signs on all structures stating people should not venture out during a storm. Signs will be placed on both sides of the break wall. It will be a     red  24 x 36 sign.     Public comment was asked for on the placement. It was generally agreed, to have it placed where the current sign is by the gate on the northeast side. D. Tillmans has been in   touch with Tom     Tiffany, Ron Johnson, ACOE Detroit and ACOE Duluth to include shallow drafts small recreational harbors in funding. The ACOE condition survey done on April 16, 2021 was   looked over. It is     showing shoaling at the mouth of the entryway. The sand build up in the river from the Highway 13 bridge down stream approximately 150 feet is very shallow. Suggested to   dig out before     possible rain event moves it out to the turning basin.

Shop Grade Issues Committee-The permit for fill from the Bayfield Co. has been received. It is good
until next January. The shop owners want the project to wait until fall. It will be done in the
fall. Manzanita Peterson will organize shop owners to have a volunteer day. The permit is for 225 cu.
yard of fill.
Green Shed Committee – Steve Denker and P. Ehlers have picked out the siding for the facia in the
front. S. Denker will fix it and paint it. Grants are being looked at for a new building, instead of
fixing the floor.

Old Business:
1. Halvorson Lease 2021
Drafts are being worked on.
2. Harbor map- W. Tillmans created drone footage of the harbor to provide coverage. He will use the
the drone photos images in auto CAD for dimensions of the docks and wall lengths.
3. Ten Year Plan – C. Perry worked with R. Lindgren on the plan. The list includes, boat ramp,
cleaning station, boat wash, landscaping, improving the parking, showers and an emergency
spill plan.
4. Breakwater Access – There is not much room for putting a boardwalk in on the north side of
Halvorson’s. It would need to be put up on posts. The dunes would need to be altered. Approval
will be needed from the DNR.
5. Boardwalk leveling – It needs to be jacked up and blocked.
6. Marina Handyman part time as need employee/contractor – The position was posted.
7. BIG, RBF and HAP grant update
All three grants have been awarded. Steel prices have doubled. There is a new requirement that
25% of the steel needs to be coated. A revised budget needs to be sent to BIG on or before June 1st.
It may be proposed to the put the project on hold, until steel prices come down. No agreements
have been signed yet.
8. Harbor Shop sign
The new sign is up. The lettering is coming soon.

New Business:
1. Election of Officers – J. Resac made a motion for C. Perry for Chair and P. Colamatteo 2nd the motion.
Unanimous decision. Approved. J. Resac made a motion for W. Tillmans for Vice Chair and
P. Colamatteo 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.
2. Financial Reports – Reports were reviewed.
3. Wisconsin Commercial Ports Association (WCPA)
The Harbor Commission is a member

K. Anderson – A boat was scratched at the boat launch by a screw coming out of a post.
There is not a launch sign. The screw will be repaired and J. Resac has a new that is
going up.

The next meeting date was set for Monday, June 21st at 7:00 p.m..
At 8:35 p.m., P. Colamatteo made a motion to adjourn and K. Anderson 2nd the motion. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

MaryBeth Tillmans – Secretary