Town of Board Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2022


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

at the Community Center

following the Annual Meeting



The meeting was called to order at 9:10 p.m.  Board members present were Roger Lindgren,

James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.   The meeting was available with Zoom.

-Board Meeting Minutes-

  1. Hahn made a motion to approve the minutes and J. Eid 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision. Approved.

-Treasurer’s Report –J. Eid made a motion to approve the report and J. Kaseno 2nd

the motion.  Vote (4-1) Yes- R. Lindgren, J. Kaseno, J. Eid & G. Anderson. No- A. Hahn.



Board Comments

  1. Lindgren – He welcomed G. Anderson to the town board.

Correspondence– – Reviewed

Committee Reports-Reviewed

. Sant. District – They are continuing with their noncompliance of phosphorus influents.

They have signed a contract with Cooper Engineering. They will determine the

amounts of chemicals needed to reduce the phosphorus levels.  The cost

estimate is $40,000.00.

Public Comment Period – None


Old Business

  1. Senior Dining Update

Senior meals are served at the Town of Bell Community Center on Tuesdays at

11:00 a.m..  Reservations must be made by 9:00a.m. the day before.

  1. Housing Location Inquiry

The Planning Commission is following up on this.  They need to come up with

potential properties.

  1. Gravel Bid awarded to Trusty Trucking & South Shore Sand and Gravel

The gravel bid was awarded to them at a special meeting on April 5, 2022.

  1. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law STP Local 2022 submittal and future plans
  2. Lindgren reviewed the five year plan of projects to improve the roads with federal


  1. Support of Natl Scenic Byway Visitor Center

Eight thousand dollars is needed for engineering of the Scenic Byway Visitor Center,

to develop a plan. J. Eid made a motion to give $1000.00 in support of the National

Scenic Byway Visitor Center to come up with a plan.  J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision.

  1. Eid made a motion to authorize R. Lindgren to proceed with the engineering and

to sign a contract.  J. Kaseno 2nd the motion.  Unanimous decision.  Approved.

  1. CaCl program -$40/200’ if requested by homeowner

The Town of Bell will be offering Calcium Chloride to property owners at $40 per 200’

of roadway.

  1. Siskiwit Lake Campground Ordinance – All updates had already been approved.


New Business

  1. Appoint Harbor Commissioners – This was deferred until May
  2. Request Nominations for Planning Commission

This will be posted.  Nominations are due by May 18th.

  1. Commissioner Terms, Posting for Nominations, Appointment/Reappointment policy

The terms and record of terms and policy has been recorded and are on file.

  1. Permit & Variance Application information

This was completed at last month’s board meeting.

  1. Star North – PSC refueling grant – update

The new perspective owner is dealing with this to obtain the grant.

  1. Star North Liquor License
  2. Kaseno made a motion to approve the Class A Liquor, Class A Beer and

cigarette licenses for Star North and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.  Unanimous

decision. Approved.

  1. Tkach: Class A Special Use short term rental

The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit.  G. Anderson

made a motion to approve the license and J. Eid 2nd the motion.  Discussion

was held. Vote (3-2) Yes: R. Lindgren, J. Eid & G. Anderson. No: A. Hahn.

Abstained: J. Kaseno.  Approved.  Discussion was held about requiring a certain

number of days of stay.  A resolution will be reviewed next month to control the

future of short term rentals with an ordinance.

  1. TOB join CBA – be a part of the “Chamber of Commerce
  2. Kaseno made a motion to rejoin the CBA and G. Anderson 2nd the motion.

Unanimous decision.  Approved.

  1. Create hiking /cc skiing trail by Airport. Name trail
  2. Hahn made a motion authorizing the Parks and Lands committee to develop

a plan for a trail by the airport and a protocol for the naming of the hiking/sking

trail.  G. Anderson 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.

  1. Lost Creek Adventures Kayaking Event September 15-18
  2. Hahn made a motion to approve the event without camping at the lakefront.
  3. Kaseno 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.  Greg Weiss will work

with the Parks & Lands committee for a plan for the event, along with parking.

  1. Community Center Security

Kurt Nelson, who has worked with building security made the following

recommendations for the Community Center:

  1.   Front door open 24/7, not all other
  2. Only so many keys for offices and a list is kept
  3. Lindgren and Judy Kerr will work with recommendations.
  4. Vilas County – Protest Levey Limits
  5. Eid will review the Vilas County resolution and it will be reviewed at the next board meeting.
  6. Earth Day April 22nd

The Cornucopia Club volunteered to coordinate the around town clean up and the


  1. Proposed water sampling at Siskiwit Beach Well.
  2. Hahn made a motion to have the full panel of tests performed on the flowing

well at the Siskiwit beach well.  J. Eid 2nd the motion. Unanimous decision. Approved.

  1. Changes in BART

BART has included in their services a door to door pickup anywhere in the county

and the city of Ashland.


At 10:55 p.m., A. Hahn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and J. Eid 2nd the motion.  Approved.


Respectfully submitted,


MaryBeth Tillmans – Clerk