Planning Commission Meeting Agenda – Mon., Dec. 13, 2021

Town of Bell Notice Planning Commission Meeting Monday Dec. 13, 2021 4:00 p.m. Town of Bell Community Center Also Available By ZOOM AGENDA Review/Approve Previous Meeting Minutes Correspondence/Updates Tillmans Rezone Goveia Short Term Rental Bayfield Area Trails Committee HWY 13 Crosswalk Commercial Use of Public Lands Short Term Rentals Sidewalk Ordinance January Meeting Date Adjourn…

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Wed., Oct 6, 2021 – Plannning Commission Meeting Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission minutes Wednesday Oct. 6, 2021   Meeting called to order at 4:13 Commissioners present: Mark Ehlers, Dave Tillmans, Greg Weiss, Jackie Eid Community members present: Phyllis Peri, Nancy Moye, Jayne Norton, Roger Lindgren Motion to approve previous minutes by Mark Ehlers, second Dave Tillmans Unanimous Correspondence/Updates: Dynamic Radar Signs: Did…

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Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021 Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting

Town of Bell Notice Planning Commission Notice Tuesday Nov. 2, 2021 4:00 p.m. Town of Bell Community Center Available on Zoom – Contact Town Chair for information  Agenda   Review/Approve previous meeting minutes Correspondence/Updates Broderson: Class A Special Use Short Term Rental Broderson: Class A Special Use Shoreline Grading lot 1 Broderson: Class A Special…

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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – Sept. 8, 2021

Planning Commission – Minutes of September 8, 2021 Meeting   We convened on Superior Avenue at 4:00 PM  Gordon Anderson, Mark Ehlers, Dave Tillmans, Allen Hahn, Phyllis Peri, Nancy Moye, Roger Lindgren. We walked the street from STH13 to County C.  Made observations about accessibility, concluded sidewalk should stay on west side of  as well…

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Planning Commission Meeting Agenda – Oct. 6, 2021

Town of Bell Notice Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday Oct. 6, 2021 4:00 p.m. Town of Bell Community Center   Agenda   Review/Approve previous meeting minutes Correspondence/Updates Sidewalk Ordinance Revision Enforcement Superior Ave. Parking Traffic Control Pedestrian Safety November meeting date Adjourn Two or more Town of Bell board members may be present Join Zoom Meeting…

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Aug. 4, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission Minutes Wednesday Aug. 4, 2021 Meeting called to order at 4:30 p.m. Commissioners present: Greg Weiss, Dave Tillmans, Jackie Eid Community members present: Nancy Moye, Roger Lindgren, Justine Broderson, Phyllis Peri, Kurt Nelson June 2, 2021 meeting minutes motion to approve Dave Tillmans, second Greg Weiss. Unanimous Correspondence/Updates: Matt Hipsher…

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July 7, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission Minutes July 7, 2021 4:00 p.m. Commissioners present: Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid Members of the public: Nancy Moye, Dan & Patti Holman, Scott McCafferty, Linda Barnes, Cindy Schmidt There was not a quorum so nothing was voted nor any recommendations made. Review/Approve prior meeting minutes held till August meeting. Correspondence/Updates:…

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June 2, 2021 – Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Town of Bell Panning Commission Minutes Wednesday June 2, 2021 Town of Bell Community Center Meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. Commissioners present: Dave Tillmans, Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid Commissioners absent: Mark Ehlers, Greg Weiss Community members present: Nancy Moye May 5, 2021 meeting minutes approved with the addition of information to Stormwater…

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Planning Commission Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Town of Bell Notice Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday Aug. 4, 2021 4:00 p.m. Town of Bell Community Center AGENDA Review/Approve prior meeting minutes Correspondence/Updates Hwy 13 Crosswalk Dynamic Radar Sign Public Comments Scenic Byway Grant Moreland: Class A Special Use Short Term Rental Plan survey and amendments Crosswalk: Cty C and Superior Ave. Sidewalk Ordinance…

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