Planning Commission Meeting – Sept. 12, 2022 – Minutes

Minutes for Sept. 12, 2022   Mtg called to order by Mark Ehlers as Pro Tempore Chair at 4:04. PC members in addition to Mark Ehlers, were David Tillmans, Jody Hipsher, and Nancy Moye. Other community members in attendance were Roger Lindgren who ran the Zoom portion of meeting and Shaun Presnail, Kathryn Tietze and…

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Planning Commission Meeting – Aug. 8, 2022 – Minutes

August 8, 2022 Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting Minutes   Meeting was called to order by Mark Ehlers as Pro Tempore Chair at 4:16 PM Other PC members present were David Tillman, Nancy Moye, and members of the community, Town of Bell Chairman, Roger Lindgren, and Phil Moye. Also in attendance were Tia Dallman…

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Planning Commission Meeting – July 11, 2022 – Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting Minutes                        July 11, 2022   Mtg called to order at 4:12 PM by Mark Ehlers as Pro Tem pore Chair.   Minutes from May 09, 2022 reviewed and corrected to include Krista Tkach as community member present at this meeting. Motion made by David Tillmans and seconded by…

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Planning Commission Meeting – May 9, 2022 – Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission Meeting Minutes May 9, 2022 Meeting called to order at 4:03 p.m. Commissioners present: Dave Tillmans, Gordon Anderson, Mark Ehlers, Greg Weiss, Jackie Eid Community members present: Erin Hutchinson, Roger Lindgren, Phil Moye, Nancy Moye, Jayne Norton, Susan Keachie, Eli Umpierre, John Anderson, Andrea Stoneman Motion to approve previous meeting…

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Planning Commission Meeting – April 11, 2022 – Minutes

Town of Bell Planning Commission meeting minutes April 11, 2022 Meeting called to order at 4:05 p.m. Commissioners present: Dave Tillmans, Greg Weiss, Jackie Eid Community members present: Jayne Norton, Erin Hutchinson, Nancy Moye, Roger Lindgren, Kellie Pederson, Susan Keachie Motion to approve minutes from April 11, 2022 by Dave Tillmans, 2nd Jackie Eid. Unanimous.…

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Harbor Commission Meeting – Sept. 22, 2022 – Minutes

Harbor Commission Meeting September 22, 2022 minutes Meeting called to order by Town of Bell Chairman Roger Lindgren, as designated by Vice Chair of Harbor Commission, Jessica Resac, at 7:03 PM Members present: Pauline Colamatteo, Jessica Resac (via ZOOM), Jesse Kaseno and Doug Becker. Town of Bell Chairman Roger Lindgren was also present. The Town…

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Minutes – Town of Board Meeting – Tues., Oct. 11, 2022

TOWN OF BELL BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at the Community Center 7:00 p.m.   The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Board members present were Roger Lindgren, James Kaseno, Allen Hahn, Gordon Anderson, Jackie Eid, MaryBeth Tillmans and Janice Olson.  The meeting was available with Zoom. -Board Meeting Minutes- Eid made…

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Planning Commission Meeting – Mon., Nov. 7, 2022 – Agenda

Town of Bell Notice Planning Commission Meeting Monday Nov. 7, 2022 4:00 p.m. Town of Bell Community Center   AGENDA Review/Approve prior meeting minutes Updates/Correspondence Colamatteo: Class A Special Use Short Term Rental ATV/UTV Speed Limits: Discussion and recommendation December meeting date Adjourn    

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